Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm back!

Hey fellow fitness freaks!

I am so sorry I've been gone a while. I had actually attempted to merge my blog with another fitness site, but in the middle of the merge, their site went under! So I moved everything back over here, and it feels like home again. I'm just glad to be back and sharing my fitness flare with all of you again. I've missed writing, and I've missed my readers.

Today I want to talk about stretching. Stretching is the single most important exercise you can do every day. And I mean, EVERY day! Stretching before AND after working out does wonders to prevent injury and helps you get the most out of your strength training. By stretching before a workout, you warm up your muscles ad prepare them to work harder and more efficiently during your workout session, whether it's cardio or weight training. Stretching after a workout keeps your muscles from tensing and stiffening up after vigorous use and can help relieve some of the soreness you can experience after a good, hard workout. It also helps to elongate muscles, creating a longer, leaner shape.

A lot of times when I take Bodypump, my favorite weight training class, many of the students leave class before the stretch track at the end. This, in my opinion, is a huge mistake. They think they are saving themselves time by skipping something unimportant, but really they are only saving 3 minutes and costing themselves much more. If they would just stay and stretch for 3 minutes they would be less sore, more toned and stronger overall. To me, that is worth the three minutes. Plus, stretching after a rigorous workout can be extremely relaxing. What a reward after hard work!

My goal is to post a stretching video on YouTube as soon as I can find the space to record it. If you'd be interested in a stretching lesson or two, let me know and I'll try to get it done asap!