Monday, February 7, 2011

A new dawn, a new day

A new life...and I'm feelin' good.

That's pretty much how it feels every time we lose a pound, run a previously unattainable distance, or reach any goal in fitness. It feels like a new dawn has arrived, birds singing and everything.

I hope to feel this way soon for reaching my latest goals, but for now, I am enjoying the spirit of change. I am changing my lifestyle and my diet back to what it was when I was at my healthiest. After all, as a dancer my body is my INSTRUMENT and it has to come first and foremost in my life. I must treat it well.

Not just dancers, though. Everyone should put their bodies first. You only get one body and any amount of damage or mistreatment can be devastating to long term health and even make life inside that body a little shorter.

I try not to think about the damage that I've done with my body with ASPARTAME. For at least a year, I drank pretty much nothing but diet coke everyday, at least 2 liters per day while I was at work. It was tasty and satisfying at the time, but I hate to think about the fact that I caused myself migraines, digestive problems and possibly cancer in the future all to save a few calories on something I shouldn't be drinking anyway (sodas).

There is NOTHING in soda that we should be putting into our bodies. It is full of liquid chemicals and artificial ingredients and tons of sugar/syrups. Nothing else. No nutrients, no vitamins. Just sugar and chemicals. PLEASE stop drinking this!
Diet soda is even worse, by the way, because in addition to chemicals and syrups, it contains artificial sweeteners that are made with alcohols, dangerous acids and even arsenic! I know it's hard; it is hard for me to give it up. But PLEASE stop drinking sodas, especially diet sodas!

And for me, right now, that's just the tip of the iceberg. I've given up sodas, but I've also given up other foods that are doing nothing for me but adding some jiggle factor. I don't like jiggle all.

Foods that will be eliminated from my diet whenever I can help it:
-Sodas/Diet sodas
-Anything that contains artificial sweeteners
-White flour breads and pastas**
-Processed foods
-Anything with more than 7g of sugar per human sized serving (the amount I will eat, not the serving size listed on the box)

**White flour breads and pastas have been my bane these past two months. I have been eating way too many pizza crusts, cheeseless personal pizzas and calzones, pastas, white breads and plain garlic knots, and as a result I have ZERO energy and extra pounds.
I don't like that at all

So I'm redoing my diet right. I'm stripping the walls and repainting my diet with a fresh healthy new rubric that will give me more energy and keep my muscles from flabbing out.

I'm going to Whole Foods and Native Sun today. Upon return (after ballet) I will write a list of great foods that are full of nutrients and will keep us full of fiber and flavor at every meal. Do you know of any good foods/brands? Share please!!


  1. 365 is a good brand! But I'm sure you knew that already. Amy's and Morning Star too although they are processed somewhat w/ prob a bit too much sodium. Also, I don't think you and jiggle belong in the same sentence ;p

  2. You know about my bad bad soda habit! During my worst times I'd have 3 litres or more of diet soda to keep me going in school or doing my school work / writing. What is your substitute for caffeinated soda?

  3. I am with Chrissy on needing a substitute for caffeinated soda
    But I also wanted to ask you something different, I am planning to finally get back on the diet bandwagon, but I find it hard to find good healthy and filling recipes without milk - especially for breakfast. Do you have good recipes or links to working diets without milk (or well lactose)

  4. I love Amy's and Morning Star, and while they do have a bit of excess calcium, they actually don't qualify as processed foods. They are all natural foods that are either completely or partially organic only frozen for storage. I live on this stuff...and Luna bars. lol

    My favorite substitute for caffeinated sodas is tea. I fell in love with sweetened tea, which might make my lovely German girls cringe a little, but I promise it's delicious. Brew some herbal or decaf tea and while it's hot, stir in some sweetener. My sweeteners of choice are either Stevia (I always have this stuff on me, zero calorie all natural root with no dangerous effects) or turbinado (natural cane) sugar. I like making sweet teas that have cool flavors too by using fruity or minty teas. Delish!

    And a diet that doesn't have milk is easy now that I've found the wonders that are: soymilk and almond milk. These can always be substituted for milk in almost any recipe and they taste great and have less calories than regular milk. I like Silk Soymilk (original, vanilla and chocolate) and Almond Breeze almond milk. Both kinds are naturally sweet and amazing in cereals.

  5. Sadly Stevia is still not yet approved in the EU
    Haven't seen it anywhere yet, though google says they are allowed to sell it as long as it is labeled as cosmetics instead of as food additive
    And I hate the taste of regular artificial sweeteners -
    But I do like the tea thing - I usually use fruit infusions and use as little sugar as possible or sweeten it with honey -

    I use soy milk and have seen rice and oatmilk in shops - no almond milk yet.
    I usually find soy too sweet - usually only use the extra cooking soy milk - and rice and oatmilk very expensive. I also had the impression that soy milk felt heavier to the stomach than regular milk
