Thursday, May 12, 2011


Sometimes we all have to make changes and sacrifices in order for our bodies to do what we want them to.

I know as a dancer that I must demand a lot from my body, and my diet has to work for me. The problem is finding a diet that works for both my lifestyle and my body. This has proven very difficult. If I don't get enough protein, I can't work out as hard. if I don't eat enough carbs, I barely have a kickstart for my workouts and practices. If I don't get enough fruits and vegetables, I get dehydrated. It's really hard to find a balance.

And not just for dancers. Everyone has to find that perfect balance between what they eat, what they do with their bodies, and what they want their bodies to be like. This is so much harder than even I expected, but it's also super important.

It really is all about balance. If there is something you want to eat, you have to balance that desire with how badly you want to shape your body and really think about what effect that food will have on your goal.

I know how I want to eat, but recently I found out that it simply doesn't work for my body and my needs. It's really unfortunate, but it's something I have to deal with because right now, being a dancer is more important to me than eating certain foods. I need to make my nutrition a priority above all else, or my dance career might come to a screeching halt. Lack of proper nutrition can lead to illness, injury or worse, and I just cannot afford that right now. I don't know anyone who can.

We all have to find the nutritional balance that works best for ourselves. No two people are alike and no one diet will work for everyone. Do what's best for you, and most importantly, figure out what is important to you and feed that desire. :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally and wholeheartedly agree with what you are saying and can relate to it. With the recent health problems and surgery I had, I have to totally adapt my diet now in order to help prevent getting sick again. A lot of foods that I loved to indulge in (even to the extent of overeating...remember the ice cream party at Rogue's last year!? ;), I now have to ban from my menu or eat very carefully with tiny portions. It's difficult, but at the end of the day all I want is to not get so sick again, I want my body to work for me, work with me and not against itself and myself!
