Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Counting down

I know it's been a while, but trying to get married and graduate in the same month has left me little room of anything else. That being said, I just want to state for the record that holy hand grenade I can't believe I'm getting married in twelve days and graduating in a month!

So with twelve days left, I'm trying to stay calm an easy going, and most importantly focused. I have so much wedding planning to do on top of so much homework, and I have to admit the stress of it all has made working out and staying on my pre-tour/ pre-wedding diet really really tough. Add to that my beloved elliptical has met its maker, currently being held up by duct tape. Thank you Murphy's Law for the great timing on that one.

I have spent my days recently working doubles, making favors, writing papers, and dealing with the en thousand problems that always come up when planning a wedding, and I'm exhausted. But I'm not going to let that stop me from staying on rack and looking beautiful in my wedding dress.

I know you all have felt this way, overwhelmed by everything that's going on in your life. I mean hey that's why I write this blog in the first place. So, I'm going to share some of my motivation with you, so we can all make it through these busy times staying as healthy ad FIT as we want to be.

I'm making time for weight training. Especially for those over 25, even more so for women over 30. weight training in a part of a workout that cannot be skipped. After all, what good is it to lose all the fat if you don't have any muscle to showcase underneath it? Here's what I'm sneaking every day to get the tone I mot certainly want on stage... and of course on my honeymoon.

- 50 sit ups
- 30-50 squats/plies
- 30-60 calf raises
- plank position
- and or course, a little dancing

Most of this stuff I get done in the morning while I'm getting ready. I do squats and calf raises at the bathroom counter while I'm brushing my teeth. I either do 50 sit ups and hold plank for 2 minutes right before I get dressed in the morning or right before I go to bed at night. And of course, I'm always dancing if I have the space, even if it's just from the dining room to the kitchen after clearing a table. All of these thing tone muscle and burn calories, and none of them take more than two - three minutes each. know sometimes it's hard to find an hour to hit the gym, but we can always find 2 minutes here and there.

With all this stress and all the craziness in my life right now, its nice to know that there's always a way to FIT it in.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Fad diets dont work

Not in the long run, anyway. I promise you I've experimented with every fad diet known to man. Special K diet, SlimFast, South Beach, Atkins, Cookie Diet... you name it, I've tried it. I can tell you from my many years of diet-obsessed experience that the skinny on these diets is that skinny doesn't apply.

At first, you will lose weight. I doesn't matter which radical diet you decide to go with. Any major sudden change or shock to your system is going to produce instant weight loss results. The bulk of this instant loss is almost always water weight, but losing actual fat and keeping it off long term is simply not in any of these carefully prescribed cards.

When preparing for tour, DragonCon, or dance competitions, I've found that I do resort to my favorite fad diet at least in the few weeks prior. Out of all the crazy diets that you see on TV and in bookstores, the on that I feel best about and that works for me in the short term is a modified Special K diet. I say modified because I usually eat cereals like whole grain Total, Kellogg's All Bran, or plain Shredded Wheat (sweetened with Stevia and/or agave syrup), cereals with density that will fill me up. Special K tastes great, but after an hour, you'll feel like you ate oxygen for breakfast.

The fact that cereals like Total, All Bran and Multigrain Cheerios have 35-100% of my percent daily value of over 20 vitamins and minerals and only 180-200 calories per bowl helps me cut my calories for a few weeks without any fear of malnutrition. In fact, it almost seems like I could stay on this diet forever.

:::imagine Borat's voice::: NOT!

I will say that it worked for a while. I lost a few pounds before tour, pounds I refer to as "desk job cushioning," and I managed to keep it off and maintain my exercise and diet for about six months. But recently, in the last two months, I've started to notice that the cereal diet isn't working anymore.

I gained three pounds, and I started to blame it on the pizza restaurant I work at. ut I've come to realize, that while Libretto's has an abundant supply of tasty, non-diet foods, it wasn't the food that made me gain weight. It was the fact that only eating two bowls of cereal all day turned me into a ravenous, compulsive eater, and all there was around me was pizza and white bread. Gee...

So while the diet did work for a while, it effectually stopped working and had n opposite effect after my body adapted to it and needed more to survive on. No wonder I've been so tired. NO wonder my workouts are getting cut short.

So my advice today is about fad diets and what I've learned. Some of these diets are great for a jump start. I will always recommend certain diets like the cereal diet or SlimFast as a great way to lose some initial water weight, but don't do these for more hat a couple weeks. That's when you have to start finding your own balance between exercise and nutrition, a balance that you can sustain in the long term. I'm gonna have to find my balance now that I've realized my plateau.

I'm going to take the next week or two and find out what works for me. Please feel free to share your ideas. What works for you?

**Pictures are the works of Jhonen Vasquez, creator of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, in his cartoon strip: Happy Noodle Boy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tone up and tune up

I'm loving my renewed energy for working out. I'm running at least an hour a day and I'm working on building muscle and toning up with machines, free weights and pilates. It's been so great.

However...I just wish I had more than 90 minutes to spend at the gym every day. 90 minutes barely scratches the surface, as after 60 minutes of cardio all I have time for are 2-3 weight training machines/sets and some stretching. That's why I'm finding even more little ways to tone up and weight train throughout the day when I'm not at the gym.

I know I'm not the only one who wants to work out but really doesn't have enough time to get it all in. Seriously, that's my entire reason for writing this blog! To share my little tips and tricks with others out there who just want to be healthy and happy even when they feel like they just can't fit one more thing into their day.

Try these moves anywhere, any time for a quick tone up to add to your total work out for the day:

1. Kitchen Calf Raises
While cooking dinner (or breakfast or lunch), stand with feet hip width apart, with your feet turned out slightly or straight forward. Stand with straight legs and proceed to lift yourself up to stand on the balls of your feet (standing on your "tippy toes") and then slowly lower back down to stand flat, holding onto your counter, stove, sink or significant other for balance. Repeat in sets of 10, 20, 30 or even fifty, three times total. This uses your own body weight to tone your calves, when all you'd be doing instead was standing anyway. A perfect way to build some sexy muscles while getting delicious food on the table.

2. Abs while sitting
While sitting at your desk, on the couch, on the train to or from work, in a car, or anywhere your but might be glued for a little while, you can give your abs a proper workout as effective as sit ups. Sitting up tall, tense your ab muscles and hold for 3-5 seconds then release. Repeat this 10 or 20 times each set for 3 sets. Increase reps and sets depending on how much time you have and how sore, or not sore, you're feeling. Your summer bikini body will thank you in a few weeks :)

And just in case you do find yourself with some extra time, here is one way, a favorite of mine, to get a work out, have a great time and be helpful to a friend or family member!

1. Play with kids.
Whether you are the proud parent of a few little ones or you have some adorable nieces, nephews or neighbors around you, take some time out to help a friend and get a little lighthearted laughter in your day by watching the kids for a bit. Kids have all the energy in the world, so why not let them run you around for a bit? Play, jump, chase eachother, toss them (safely!), dance with them. Be silly and active in ways only being around kids would allow you to do. :)

Time is something I know we never get enough of, especially when it comes to taking care of our bodies. I really do wish I had more time to spend at the gym, but for now, I'll take all the little sneak-in exercises I can get!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Catching up

Ever feel like you've fallen behind? Not just with work or school (which I am behind in) but also just with your goals and desires in life? They can be big dreams like winning a competition or graduating from school, or they can be small goals like passing a test, paying bills on time or, in my case, keeping up with your workouts.

I've been so overwhelmed with school and wedding planning that for a few weeks I had completely lost my focus in my workouts and dance. It didn't feel good, and now that I'm getting myself back on track, it doesn't physically feel good. I feel out of shape and it hurts.

I re-amped my workouts, not taking any excuses from myself like I have been: "I have to get home early so I can do some online work before I go to work" or "I'm so exhausted from writing this paper I can't workout tonight." Now more excuses. I know my work and planning will get done whether I workout or not, so I won't let these things stop me anymore.

Life is kind of like that. We let all the "musts" and "have-to's" get in the way of the things that keep us healthy and happy, and then many of us then fall victim to the vicious cycle that causes the worst type of weight gain: emotional/stressed out eating.

When we get stressed or sad, our bodies CRAVE simple carbohydrates like sugar, breads and starches. This is because these foods cause our bodies to release certain "happy" chemicals like serotonin, which can ease our stresses and depression. The problem is that not only are these foods usually high in calories, they can be addicting and make us consume large quantities of them in minutes if not seconds if we're not too careful. This is essentially how we can eat an entire bag of chips or down a whole box of cookies or pint of ice cream in one sitting without ever realizing what we're doing until it is too late.

I've been doing that at night, and I realized only a few days ago that it has to stop. There are other ways of getting happy, like dancing and playing games. These are things I love that I MUST make time for so I don't end up consoling myself at night over a tub of soy ice cream. Or a pie... lol

It's a mental discipline and we all must make these choices and resolution for ourselves. My new-day resolution: Get out, have more fun, love my workouts and leave the food in the fridge.

What's yours?