Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Counting down

I know it's been a while, but trying to get married and graduate in the same month has left me little room of anything else. That being said, I just want to state for the record that holy hand grenade I can't believe I'm getting married in twelve days and graduating in a month!

So with twelve days left, I'm trying to stay calm an easy going, and most importantly focused. I have so much wedding planning to do on top of so much homework, and I have to admit the stress of it all has made working out and staying on my pre-tour/ pre-wedding diet really really tough. Add to that my beloved elliptical has met its maker, currently being held up by duct tape. Thank you Murphy's Law for the great timing on that one.

I have spent my days recently working doubles, making favors, writing papers, and dealing with the en thousand problems that always come up when planning a wedding, and I'm exhausted. But I'm not going to let that stop me from staying on rack and looking beautiful in my wedding dress.

I know you all have felt this way, overwhelmed by everything that's going on in your life. I mean hey that's why I write this blog in the first place. So, I'm going to share some of my motivation with you, so we can all make it through these busy times staying as healthy ad FIT as we want to be.

I'm making time for weight training. Especially for those over 25, even more so for women over 30. weight training in a part of a workout that cannot be skipped. After all, what good is it to lose all the fat if you don't have any muscle to showcase underneath it? Here's what I'm sneaking every day to get the tone I mot certainly want on stage... and of course on my honeymoon.

- 50 sit ups
- 30-50 squats/plies
- 30-60 calf raises
- plank position
- and or course, a little dancing

Most of this stuff I get done in the morning while I'm getting ready. I do squats and calf raises at the bathroom counter while I'm brushing my teeth. I either do 50 sit ups and hold plank for 2 minutes right before I get dressed in the morning or right before I go to bed at night. And of course, I'm always dancing if I have the space, even if it's just from the dining room to the kitchen after clearing a table. All of these thing tone muscle and burn calories, and none of them take more than two - three minutes each. know sometimes it's hard to find an hour to hit the gym, but we can always find 2 minutes here and there.

With all this stress and all the craziness in my life right now, its nice to know that there's always a way to FIT it in.

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