Sunday, July 3, 2011

Changes are greater than a number

I can feel my body change, get stronger. I can feel my body tighten up and I can see my muscles growing, my skin firming. I can see these changes right before my very eyes...

So why am I so concerned about how much the scale says I weigh?

Technically, I'm "putting on weight." SCARY!!!

But when I really think about it, it isn't scary at all. In fact its a really good sign that I'm gaining pounds because that means that I'm working out hard enough to build muscle!! I should be ecstatic to see the numbers climb!

But I still have that anxiety that we feel when we see our body "get larger" in any form. So today I want to share my feelings and resolutions with you all, whom I'm sure have felt this way at one time or another when you start working out and weight training. It feels like this:
"I'm working out so hard!! How am I still gaining weight??!?!?"

But it isn't like that. It's not that you're gaining weight. Your body is changing. It is morphing into a well oiled machine of muscle and strength. You are gaining power and losing weakness. You are building a core instead of letting it all hang loose. This weight, is good weight.

I have started to see these changes in the last two weeks, ever since I started taking weight training and other exercise classes at my gym. It's incredible, the changes I am seeing in the mirror. But what's more amazing is the change I can feel. I can lift things that used to be too heavy for me (like carrying a 25lb bag of cat litter up three flights of stairs at my apt), I can work through an hour of hardcore ballet training and go straight into my next class without my legs feeling weak, and I have more energy than I ever have.

It's the best thing I've ever done... short of marrying David, of course... >.> lol

Don't be afraid to gain weight if it's the right kind of gain. Gain strength. Gain muscle. Gain power. And lose your dependence on that number. It really is just a number and it really is what's inside that matters.

1 comment:

  1. Twinnie! <3
    How do you do it!?
    To blog about specific topics that go round my head at the seriously leaves me speechless! You SO are my twinnie, there's no other explanation for this!!

    While focusing on our weight, it's very easy to forget to watch out for other positive changes and indications of a strong, healthy body. For instance, I love how drained and at the same time strong my body feels after a long swim workout - or how much better my posture gets after taking Pilates classes.

    In the body weight-obsessed culture that we live in, especially women focus too much on the numbers on the scales, rather than the way they look or feel. For some, this can become even a life-threatening problem.

    I'm glad you are an ambassador of healthy living, eating and exercising for many young girls and women out there!

    I <3 you
