Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm Back and Kicking

I haven't posted in a while, and I'm really sorry for that. I've missed writing as much as I've missed knowing that you all were reading. But I'll explain why.

I have been struggling with my body for almost a year now. I know it may not seem like it from pictures, or for anyone who sees me on a daily basis. But I am. My body is fighting my efforts to keep it healthy, fit and toned, despite my constant exercise and healthy diet. I won't get into why this is happening, just know that it is happening and that there is nothing I can do about it. I simply have to deal with it, and hope that it rights itself on its own someday soon.

I didn't want to write much while I was going through this because I honestly felt like a hypocrite. Like, if I can't keep my own body fit, how could I possibly inspire others to do the same?

But recently I've been trying to accept this and learn to love my body again, and I really want to write again. Not only to give everyone my fitness and diet advice that I just love writing about, but also to encourage all of you to love your bodies, NO MATTER WHAT! Whether it's model-fit or cushion-comfortable, our bodies are the only ones we have, and we have to respect and love them just like we would love anything else that carries us through life so strongly and wonderfully.

There is one thing I will say today, and I hope that you all can relate to this with whatever is your own passion in life. I will never stop dancing. I will never stop moving. That is my essence: movement. Even when I can't dance on stage anymore, I know that I will keep dancing in any way I can. I will continue to teach dance as much as possible. I will take every BodyJam, every Zumba and every Dance-fitness class I can find. And I will always dance around my house like a crazy teenager while listening to my favorite punk songs.

No matter what happens to my body, I know that nothing will take me away from dancing. And I hope that if I learn to love myself as I am right now, my body will right itself and get back to normal. That's how these things work, I think. You have to love yourself before you can see any results from all of your hard work. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Jenne. I know the feeling! Your blog is always so inspiring to me and encourages me to get out there and rock it, even on my crappy days! Keep writing and keep being fabulous!
