Friday, March 9, 2012

Focus on the finish line

I don't feel like working out today. That happens sometimes. It happens to all of us.

But I'm going to go to my workout class and do my cardio even though I don't feel like it. What is motivating me?

The feeling I know I'll have after finishing a great workout. It's a high that will carry me through the day and night ahead of me. If I focus on getting that feeling, I know I'll make it to and through my workout today.

Think about what is at your finish line? Is it a feeling? Is it a number on the scale? Is it a jean/pant size? Is it the pride of accomplishment?

Whatever it is, let that be your guide. Let that bring you to a gym or class even when you aren't really up to it. Let it bring you to the end of your finish line. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wednesdays are killing's the point of the week when I'm ready for Friday! :p But instead from going to work straight to my comfy sofa, I try to make a habit to leave work early enough to have a long swim before my Pilates class. Despite being exhausted, I find it so worthwhile! It's de-stressing and calming my mind and I feel relaxed and re-energized afterwards!
