Thursday, March 22, 2012

Learning curve

So I've been put on exercise restriction of sorts, and I won't lie. It sucks for me. I literally get high off working out, and it's been like withdrawal this past week not to be allowed to start my day with mega-endorphins. Ive also been given a meal plan which also sucks but in a different way than many might think. But I have learned a few things I want to share with you all.

The main thing I've learned is that it is possible to overtrain. It is possible to stress your body out with too much exercise. My advice for this that I am taking for myself is to train smarter, not longer. Give a little bit less time to give more effort in a shorter session. You'll get a lot of calorie burn and endorphins, AND the bonus of some free time.

Even if you eat so healthy like I do, you have to make sure you're getting your macronutrients. Don't count calories! Count your proteins, carbs and fats if anything. But really just try to find a balance between eating right and eating enough to fuel yourself.

The last thing I'll share is something I learned while learning to calculate macronutrients. Um, nutrition facts labels are allowed to lie about calorie counts. It's true they are given a certain "percentage of error" but until I started these calculations, I had no idea how off some of them were! Something I've been eating that was 140 cal on the package was actually 207!!! I'm sorry but that's a huge difference! Enough to make me swear off ever counting calories again! Besides, you enjoy your meals more when they aren't math problems. Lol

So this is what I've learned and I really hope you guys find this as useful as I have. I'm not sure it's changed anything yet, but I'll keep you all updated :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Focus on the finish line

I don't feel like working out today. That happens sometimes. It happens to all of us.

But I'm going to go to my workout class and do my cardio even though I don't feel like it. What is motivating me?

The feeling I know I'll have after finishing a great workout. It's a high that will carry me through the day and night ahead of me. If I focus on getting that feeling, I know I'll make it to and through my workout today.

Think about what is at your finish line? Is it a feeling? Is it a number on the scale? Is it a jean/pant size? Is it the pride of accomplishment?

Whatever it is, let that be your guide. Let that bring you to a gym or class even when you aren't really up to it. Let it bring you to the end of your finish line. :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Gonna be a busy day!

We all get busy. Really busy. And getting a workout in isn't always a reality. Today, I have just about a thousand things to do that will take up most of the daylight and moonlight hours I've got, so I have t get creative with how I'm going to get my fitness time.

The thing is, many people think that when you work out, you have to do it all at once or it isn't affective. Now, I'll admit that you get much better cardio training when you run/ride/walk longer distances as it helps develop your cardiovascular stamina, but when it comes to the goal of burning calories, it is the same amount burned whether you do it all at once or 5 minute at a time spread out throughout the day.

So if you have 5 minutes here and there, do a small bit of a workout and it will all add up at the end of the day!

Want to get 30 minutes of fitness into your day? Try any combination of these 5 minute workout ideas that you can do at home, at work or almost anywhere!

-Walking/running the stairs. Find one or two flights of stairs, in your home or at the office or anywhere, and walk/run up and down them for a quick five minutes. This is amazing cardio exercise and it can build great calf muscles and quadriceps.

-Jumping jacks. I know they seem simple and even juvenile, but jumping jacks are hard-hitting cardio moves that burn crazy calories in short bursts. Doing these for five whole minutes can be tough, but the rewards of getting through those 5 minutes are incredible for your body, both inside and out.

-Lunges. You literally can do these anywhere there is a floor. Do these without taking breaks in between (remembering to switch legs intermittently of course) at a semi-swift pace and you'll be toning your legs and glutes as well as burning serious calories in a short 5 minute burst.

-Sit-ups/Crunches/Hover or Plank position. If you have any amount of clean, useable floor space, you can drop and give yourself 5 minutes of great ab work. Combine all of these moves (crunches, full sit-ups, bicycle/cross crunches, plank/hover) or do 5 minute sets of each, and you'll be well on your way to adding up some great ab workout time.

-Dance. Put on your iPod or mp3 player or radio and get down for just 5 minutes. That's pretty much two songs, give or take a few seconds. You will have a great time dancing to your favorite songs, and if you really start moving, you'll be able to burn some serious cals without even thinking about it. It's pretty much like doing zumba class 5 minutes at a time.

-Stretching. Reach down and touch your toes. Sit on the ground cross-legged and reach forward, draping your body over your legs. Sit in child's pose and reach your arms out in front of you. Standing with your feet 2 feet apart, stretch over to each side. Do these or any other stretches for 5 minutes and you will be gaining flexibility and creating long, lean lines with your muscles.

You can do all 6 of these in a row if you have 30 minutes, but really there is no need. You can do these 5 minutes at a time, hours apart, and you will still get the same results. Want a 60 minute workout? Do any combination of these 5 minute bursts 12 times to equal 60 minutes, throughout the day.

You don't need to do it all at once. It is so rare that people have 60 minutes to themselves nowadays. I know I'll be using these moves tonight as I head to dance competition with my studio. In between their dances, I'll find a corner to myself in the theatre hall and get to work. Just 5 short minutes here and there. This is really the workout plan that ANYONE can do. :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Never give up

In dealing with the fact that my body sucks at what it's supposed to do, I wanted to remind everyone that giving up is never a true option.

We all plateau in our Fitness progress. We all hit walls along the way. The important thing is to find either a different path around the wall or the tools to climb over it when it's there in front of you.

I have tried everything I could think of to get over or around my wall. Everything that is safe, anyway. And I refuse to put my life in danger to look a certain way, so I will stay with only safety in mind. While nothing has worked, I just keep getting back on the proverbial horse and trying again. Ooh! Maybe I should take up horseback riding again and that might do the trick?! Lol jk

The thing is that I refuse to give up in my body and my health and you all should never give up either. Even when it seems hopeless just know that you are stronger than anything that stands in your way. Always.

Change up your routine a little bit each time and you'll find your fitness formula eventually. Get back on your horses every time you fall off. The people who love you will be there to help you get back on the saddle if you need them :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

5 snack swaps that will really make a difference!

When it comes to snacks, just because it is conveniently wrapped and handy-sized does not mean it is in any way good for your body. While there are plenty of convenient but bad for you snack choices, there are also some foods that pull double duty by being convenient for on-the-go eating and packed full of good nutrition. Here is a list of the five worst snack foods tand some better foods to eat instead:

#5 Worst – Candy Bars
While it is true that a Snickers bar boasts high protein content in comparison to other candy bars, it also contains 30 grams of sugar, 14 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat. If people are going to eat candy bars, those that contain peanuts are the best options due to the amount of protein they can contain, but realistically, 4 grams of protein isn’t worth all of those negatives.
Instead of grabbing a candy bar, pack a protein or granola bar in your dancer’s bag. Bars like Luna, Clif, Larabar and Kind are all made with whole, natural ingredients and can contain between 4 and 12 grams of protein each without added refined sugars.

#4 Worst – Potato Chips and other snack chips
Conveniently packed into little take-along bags, chips are a popular snack for people on-the-go. However, they pretty much offer nothing of benefit to anyone from hard working athletes to full time office employees. In one snack-sized bag of Lays or Doritos, people will consume between 10-12 grams of fat, 200-300 grams of sodium, and between 150-250 calories. This seems pretty low and harmless, but the real problem is what is NOT in these bags. There are 15 grams of carbohydrates, but only 1 gram of fiber. There are 150-250 calories but only 1-2 grams of proteins. And the baked varieties aren’t much better, though they do have slightly less amounts of sodium and a significantly lower amount of fat. The lesser of two evils, but still not ideal.
Crackers and Pretzels can be better choices, especially if you find low-sodium varieties. Crackers that are multigrain, organic or whole wheat will provide more fiber and fewer preservatives than other varieties, and unsalted, whole grain pretzels will keep you full and energized better than any bag of chips.

#3 Worst – Fruit snacks
Don’t be fooled by the word “fruit” that has been cleverly placed upon the label of these snack foods. Most fruit snacks contain very little real fruit ingredients, if any at all. These foods have similar nutritional content to candies like gummy bears and taffy, so there isn’t much to fuel a dancer aside from a quick, short sugar rush.
The best substitute here is fruit, hands down. Easy to carry, on-the-go fruits are apples, bananas, pears, peaches and other fruits that are easy to peel, or eaten with the skin on. These have only natural sugars and are filled to the brim with vitamins and minerals making them nature’s perfect snack.

#2 Worst – Donuts and Pastries
Fried dough filled with sugary syrup-coated fruits and/or creams and cheeses, topped with frosting or powdered sugar and filled with tons of preservatives and not much else. This sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hardly any protein to speak of and often lacking in any dietary fiber, these foods may contain a miniscule amount of vitamins if they’re filled with fruit, but not nearly enough to make up any of anyone's Recommended Daily Intake (RDI).
Whole grain bagels with peanut butter and honey are a very sweet and filling snack that pack a huge protein and fiber punch. Go for organic and all natural peanut butters and bagels to add even more nutrition and reduce preservatives and refined sugars.

#1 Worst – Fast Food Meals
Sometimes our days can run pretty late, and it’s important to make sure we get to eat a good dinner, especially when we're working hard. However, a fast food burger and fries is one of the worst meals to consume for a number of reasons. These foods are heavy, greasy, very high in sodium and sugar (even a hamburger from a fast food restaurant can contain more than 10g of sugar!) and contain tons of fats, both unsaturated and saturated. In general, these foods can wreak havoc on someone’s health if eaten often. Also, eating salty foods can cause dehydration, which is never a good idea for busy people.
Just like we all remember from our days in school, the best way to ensure that a person gets a healthy meal is to brown bag it. Heading out of the house with a peanut butter sandwich and some fruit or some pita and hummus would be quite the healthy choice. If packing a dinner isn’t an option, grabbing a sub sandwich or a wrap can be much healthier as a meal, especially when it’s packed with both proteins and vegetables. Fast food isn’t the only easy meal option, and it certainly isn’t the best option when there are tons of sandwich shops around most areas.

Food is a truly important part of a person's day because it is what gives them to fuel to perform their best at whatever it is they need to do at any given time. Life demands a great deal from the body, so it’s important to give the body what it needs to rise to the challenge without wearing out too fast.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I'm Back and Kicking

I haven't posted in a while, and I'm really sorry for that. I've missed writing as much as I've missed knowing that you all were reading. But I'll explain why.

I have been struggling with my body for almost a year now. I know it may not seem like it from pictures, or for anyone who sees me on a daily basis. But I am. My body is fighting my efforts to keep it healthy, fit and toned, despite my constant exercise and healthy diet. I won't get into why this is happening, just know that it is happening and that there is nothing I can do about it. I simply have to deal with it, and hope that it rights itself on its own someday soon.

I didn't want to write much while I was going through this because I honestly felt like a hypocrite. Like, if I can't keep my own body fit, how could I possibly inspire others to do the same?

But recently I've been trying to accept this and learn to love my body again, and I really want to write again. Not only to give everyone my fitness and diet advice that I just love writing about, but also to encourage all of you to love your bodies, NO MATTER WHAT! Whether it's model-fit or cushion-comfortable, our bodies are the only ones we have, and we have to respect and love them just like we would love anything else that carries us through life so strongly and wonderfully.

There is one thing I will say today, and I hope that you all can relate to this with whatever is your own passion in life. I will never stop dancing. I will never stop moving. That is my essence: movement. Even when I can't dance on stage anymore, I know that I will keep dancing in any way I can. I will continue to teach dance as much as possible. I will take every BodyJam, every Zumba and every Dance-fitness class I can find. And I will always dance around my house like a crazy teenager while listening to my favorite punk songs.

No matter what happens to my body, I know that nothing will take me away from dancing. And I hope that if I learn to love myself as I am right now, my body will right itself and get back to normal. That's how these things work, I think. You have to love yourself before you can see any results from all of your hard work. :)