Monday, October 18, 2010


So I'm on the elliptical this morning, reading a magazine. SHAPE magazine to be precise. There was an article that I feel like I've read 1000 times but it still reads true to me, and inspires me to make small changes and be healthier in my daily life. It says the following staples of a healthy lifestyle:

-Don't deprive yourself but practice moderation
-Don't over indulge at night
-Strength train, especially as you hit your 30's

All of this is stuff I believe in and stuff I, myself, need to work on. The thing is, while I agree whole-heartedly while I'm on the elliptical, working out and focused on being healthy in the moment, when I get to work or home after work, I don't always put my health where my mouth is...literally.

Lately I've been slipping and doing things I KNOW are bad for me. I've been snacking all night after work. I've been indulging in the white rolls we have at work...lots of them. Picking at them all through my shift and such. I've even been chewing gum and drinking diet soda all day during my shifts. It's awful, I know. But it's something I've made into habit...bad habit. And it needs to stop.

But I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this. Who reads an article on healthy eating and says "Oh yes! A great idea! Let's do this right away!" and then doesn't follow through on the first try. Or even the second or third. We all get into a funk with our eating and exercise habits.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm GOING TO fix this. I'll use myself as an example to all of you and put 150% effort toward following through with how I think and feel when I'm at the gym. Here are the things I need to work on and change for myself:

-Strength training 3x a week for at least 20 minutes.
-Stretching EVERY DAY
-Stop snacking at night, especially on sweets
-Leave the bread for the customers at work
...seriously, Jenne, Aspartame is poison. STOP drinking and chewing poison all day!

I'm starting right now. Immediately. I will get up from this desk when this post is done and do 20 minutes of strength training with my pilates set, and then I will stretch through the entire DancEffects tried and true stretch routine. Then I will go downstairs and eat a well balanced meal and leave a little room for a small cone of frozen yogurt when Dave gets home. No snacking. No bites of food from other people. And no. diet. coke.

For myself and for all of you, I will make these small changes. I will make myself healthier and live each day, take each bite, and stretch each muscle until I feel the healthiest I've ever felt. I'm worth it and so are you.

Hold me to it, guys. Please. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you
    Your blog always gives me new strength to go through with my own health plans.
