Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rabbit food?

Okay let me just state this right off the bat:

Vegetarians eat more than lettuce.

It's true; I promise. And now that we got that out in the open, we can talk a bit more.

I am a vegetarian. Not a die hard vegan or even a 101% vegetarian, but for the most part, I keep a veg-only diet. I don't do it for the animals, although I am pleased that I am not contributing to any animal suffering through my own choices. I don't do it for environmental reasons, although it's nice to know I am lessening my carbon footprint by not eating factory farm produced meats and dairy. I am a vegetarian simply because I am happier and feel healthier when I eat this way. That's all there is to it.

I read a LOT of fitness magazines an articles, especially when I'm at the gym, and what I've noticed is this trend: there are A LOT of fitness articles and experts that are pro-vegetarian. There is plenty of research that suggests that those who follow a vegetarian diet are not only slimmer and have clearer skin, but have lower chances of dangers like heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and other scary health issues that are as common as the common cold. While these aren't my particular reasons for being Veg, I will say that it helps me feel incredibly good about my choice to forgo the flesh in my meals.

Now there are good ways and bad ways of being vegetarian. One of the biggest risks one can take in choosing this kind of diet is that they may find themselves severely lacking in necessary nutrition.

The thing about being vegetarian is that you have to like vegetables in order to make this work. As silly as it seems that a vegetarian would hate vegetables, you may be surprised to find how often this happens. Many vegetarians choose this diet but then eat nothing but pastas, rice, potatoes, breads and vegan sweets and baked goods, claiming a healthy diet with the Veg label. This is a great way for vegetarians to pack on pounds in no time and leave their bodies without essential nutrients like B12, Protein, and Calcium.

The other stigma is that vegetarians eat ONLY vegetables and so called, "rabbit food" but this is hardly the case, even with such a healthy eater as myself. Sure you'll find me eating lots of salad and munching on carrots all day (I LOVE carrots!) but that doesn't mean that's all I eat.

Here are a few things I eat to get all the nutrients I can into my plant-based diet:
Protein: Nuts, Beans and tofu. And "fake meats," man some of these are so good, they really taste like the real thing without all the fat and cholesterol!
Calcium: Regular (organic if I can) ice creams and puddings. Soy/almond milk, fortified cereal and soy-based cheeses and dairy products like yogurt and ice cream.
B12: Luna Bars, Soy/almond milk, and fortified cereals.
Vitamin A: CARROTS and sweet potatoes.
Fat (yes this is a must in your diet!): cheeses (regular and soy based), and nuts. (Another good source is oils and butters, but I despise the taste of these things so I avoid. That's just my little preference).

I'll write a lot more about this diet as my blog progresses. Not to persuade anyone to go veg, but mostly because I like to share my ideas and thoughts on things I believe in. And I believe in the possibility of healthy vegetarian diets. It isn't proven to be the healthiest diet one can have, and it isn't my end-all-save-all-you-must-do-this diet either. Its just my choice. And that's allowed, right? :)


  1. Hey, this is Stephanie Kolcz, BTW. :)

    I've been vegetarian for years as well, and I agree with every one of your points! It's a great lifestyle for people who are training, pregnant, or in any other walk of life... but you're right, you have to like veggies first, lol.

    Anyway, thanks for this! I didn't know you were veg, but it's pretty cool knowing you are!

  2. Also, I'm going to add you, if you don't mind. :)

  3. I'm on a mission since my dad was told he had high cholesterol to cook healthier in the house which obviously includes less meat. I'm making the most amazing smelling caribbean stuffed peppers right now that have black beans & rice and veggies inside. I agree with you that some of this stuff is so good the carnivores will never complain about the lack of meat.
