Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Protection from process

One thing I learned from the trainers on the cruise that has been haunting me since I returned is the word "process," as in processed foods. These foods are everywhere and we all eat them, mainly because they are so darn convenient. From frozen dinners to Pop Tarts to hot dogs to American cheese, these are the foods that are at least three degrees of separation from their natural state (seriously, though, what IS a chili cheese dog's "natural" state???).

As someone who barely leaves myself time to sleep let alone cook, I am definitely a victim of the processed food generation. I've tried so hard to be healthy, eating lots of fruits and veggies and keeping my calories balanced, but it hardly does any good when I'm constantly putting chemicals and excessive amounts of sugars and salt in me. After learning what these chemicals, additives and preservatives do, I'm learning that there is nothing "smart" about Smart One's and nothing "healthy" about Healthy Choice.

Sure with these foods the calorie counts are low and they often boast an impressive 1-3 servings of vegetables per container. However, the high sodium levels and additional sugars required to maintain any freshness and provide enough flavor to counteract the low calorie quantity simply counteract anything healthy about it.

The main concern is that these foods damage your liver, which surprisingly I learned is the only organ in the body that can metabolize fat. Damage to your liver equals slower and less efficient breakdown of fat which leads to an increase in weight gain risk. Bad news over all. So low calorie means a lot less when you're taking in heavily processed low cal foods. Nice...

So what can we do? How can we eat good, natural foods when we live such crazy, on-the-go lifestyles? Here are some tips on things I've been trying this week that are working nicely for me in my crazy life:

1. Overcook: On Sundays or whatever your day off is during the week, cook a large, hearty meal that you can save in containers and reheat and heat throughout the week. This way you can cook healthy, fresh meals when you have time and just reheat them on the fly when you don't. This week, the vegetable pizza and brown rice dishes I've made have been great to take to work or eat in between the gym and my errands.

2. Healthy on-the-go options: There are some frozen, canned and boxed foods that are not processed and are mostly organic. Amy's Kitchen is probably my favorite of these brands, but there is also "Health is Wealth" and "Ians" foods that offer healthy "junk" food like egg rolls and tater tots and "Cascadian Farms" organic frozen fruits and vegetables and wrapped granola bars. All good options for grab and go eats that won't kill you some day or undo your fitness efforts.

Limiting processed foods is good for the body, but it may be a bit hard on the wallet, especially when you go organic. The best thing to do is to check stores like Whole Foods or local and Fair Trade markets to see what's on sale each week and shop accordingly. And anyone who knows me well knows that I can always find coupons for everything, so check your Sunday papers for coupons and sale flyers to get the most out of your new healthy food shopping!

Want recipes or more product recommendations? Facebook me or leave me a comment here and I'll be happy to post anything you want.

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