Monday, November 15, 2010

Break before you break

Okay so everyone who knows me knows that I have a problem slowing myself down, let alone taking a break, however much I need one. But I have learned in the last week or so that sometimes a break is more than necessary. It can sometimes even be a matter of life or death.

In the past few weeks I have worked myself to the bone physically and mentally through workouts (without taking a rest day ><), working double shifts or single shifts with no day off in between, and all the work I'm doing for my classes. This weekend, I took three days off work to go to a dance convention, thinking it would be a nice break where I could just dance and not have any other worries.


I was EXHAUSTED to the point where I could barely make it through my classes, which made me very sad. I realized, a bit too late though, that I needed a break in order to regain the endless energy I once had. I've been so tired and laggy lately, and I didn't even notice until I had to sit out of a dance class I was so looking forward to taking for weeks. :(

My lesson is something I hope to help you all learn from. Staying active and keeping fit is important, but EQUALLY AS IMPORTANT is resting. It is absolutely essential for your body to rest, especially when you work and work out hard all week. Set aside some "me" time to just sit on the couch and watch some mindless TV. Take a nap. Go to the movies. Do something to relax or even better, do NOTHING.

Take this advice to heart before you burn yourself out when you need your energy the most.Hopefully I'll take my own advice, rest and be rejuvenated so I can actually start enjoying my workouts as much as I used to. They've gotten exhausting and dull lately, and this is exactly why.

Time for a break. Definitely.

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