Thursday, November 18, 2010

Slipping, Falling, Climbing, Basking

No I'm not talking about mountain climbing in the summer, although that does sound like fun.

When it comes to getting fit*, its easy to fall into a cycle. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, and where you are on the fitness scale is the opposite of where your weight is on the actual scale (for the most part). It's truly one of life's most vicious cycles. That's okay, though. We'll get through this together.

Sometimes I'm so up its scary. You'll find me in the gym at 6:30 am, I'm already on my sixth mile, and I'm ready for dance classes, yoga, and whatever else I can fit into my day. But sometimes, like these past few weeks, it takes everything I have to get out of bed and get at least an hour of cardio in every day. I get so busy or so tired that I rarely make it to dance class, I let yoga slip away, and I can barely get myself to put my skates on. That's okay. it truly does happen to all of us, and it's good to remember that it's perfectly normal and you're going to get through it.

Okay, so how do we get through it? Well, my last post talked about was taking a rest, which is very important when you hit these slumps. But the biggest factor in breaking through a plateau, or even worse a gorge, is change. Introduce something new, something different. because whether you feel it or not, you're bored. Body + mind + soul = bored. You're body is caving a new exercise; your system is tired of the same old diet routine; it's time to change it up a bit.

Now the best way to FIT these changes in is to keep them small. Yes a small change ca help you go a long way. If you've been loving the elliptical machine at the gym but you find you're not as excited about it as yo used to be, ts okay to take a break and see other machines for a while. Try the treadmill, or the bike, or even take an aerobics class to get that cardio in. It's okay to go halvsies to split your time between your elliptical and another machine. Just make sure to keep their names straight ;)

Better yet, try leaving the gym altogether. Go for a run or a bike ride around the neighborhood. Take a ballroom dancing class, or even go for a night on the town at your favorite top 40, Latin, or goth music night.

Hit a slump in your diet? Stay tuned, I'll be talking about that in my next post. For now, take this opportunity, try something new, and don't forget to have fun with it. I'll keep you updated on how well its working for me.

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