Sunday, November 21, 2010

Change it up: Food

So I've finally dug myself out from under my pile of homework and double shifts to write this post. Remember what I was saying before about needing to introduce change when you hit a slump in your workout? The same applies to your diet. So let's talk food!

If you're currently on a diet, stop. Rethink the phrase "ON A DIET" and switch it over to thinking of yourself as having healthy eating habits. Once you're "ON" a diet, its easy to get "OFF" of it. But changing habits is MUCH harder. Its a mental trick, but I promise it works.

So if what's been working for you has hit a wall in its effectiveness, its time to change it up a bit. You don't have to completely switch everything you're doing (like going from no carbs to only carbs or something like that). Small changes can take your current habits a LONG way.

It all boils down to calories in the end, but you don't necessarily have to count every single one. Whether you're on weight watchers, raw foods or the Subway diet, your main goal is to keep your calories at a certain balanced level along with physical activity. It creates a calories in-calories burned equation that should ultimately result in weight loss or maintenance, whichever is your goal.

The problem occurs when your body gets bored with the same old same old foods every day. This boredom can lead to dangerous cravings and even binge eating if you're not careful. Just like switching out a machine or a class at the gym, switching out some foods is a great way to keep yourself on track while adding a bit of delicious variety. Here are a few tricks that can work for every "dieter":

1. Go out. I know all the research says its healthier to eat at home, but especially with handy food guides like Weight Watchers and books like "Eat This, Not That," eating out can be as healthy as making it yourself. Treat yourself to a healthy meal you don't have to cook, and maybe you can even splurge on one of those cute little dessert shooters. (P.F. Changs and Applebees have delicious dessert shots that range from only 100-250 calories each!!)

2. Have a theme night. Plan one meal a week with a food theme. This could be international (Asian fusion, Mexican, etc,), TV/movie inspired (Sci Fi, Fashion show, etc), or quirky themes like Fair food or Kids table creations. Adding a bit of fun to your food can easily help you get out of the same-old slump.

3. Change up your ingredients. If you eat subs every day, it can work well as a diet, since most subs are fairly low in calories when done up right (aka no mayo, cheese or fatty sauces). However, don't eat a turkey sub for lunch and dinner EVERY day. Your mind and your body need more variety than that or they will stop responding to the diet out of sheer boredom. Try the different low calorie options your favorite sandwich places (or your fridge) has to offer. Go for a veggie sub for lunch and switch to ham for dinner or try a club with turkey bacon and switch to a grilled chicken parm sub (86 cheese) for dinner. There are more low calorie options than you're giving yourself. This applies to other "diets" like the Special K diet as well. You don't have to restrict yourself to Special K for it to work. Any low calorie cereal will work just fine. When I go for this diet, I like to start my day with Berry Kix and have a nice bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats for lunch. The only cereals I'd stay away from are the sugar overloads (like Cookie Crisp and Corn Pops) and anything with over 250 calories per serving) These are loaded with sugar and fats you don't need to be starting your day with.

If you're on a "diet" or have any questions about food switch ideas, please PLEASE email me. I'd love to help out with this. After all, this IS my passion. :)

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