Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All I want for Chanukah

Is dance.

This post will serve 2 purposes:
1. To ready everyone for my 25 days of FIT-mas!!!
2. To gripe and grieve about the lack of dance in my life right now

Okay, let's talk a bit about the 25 days of FIT-mas. From DEC 1-25, I will be giving healthfully helpful advice like diet tips, workout moves and sweet swaps to get you through the holidays without "wearing" your holidays feasts in the months following. There's no reason for everyone to HAVE to gain holiday weight, but there's also no reason to spend the holidays without enjoying the food, family and fun of it all. Stay tuned in, follow this blog, SPREAD THE WORD, and let's all keep fit through the holidays together!

And I'm thinking about doing a give-away to one of my followers. I was thinking that maybe everyone could submit a low calorie version of their favorite holiday recipe, and I would send the winner a little something (like a dance workout video or personalized workout gear). What do you think? Input welcome!

And now my rant:

I'm feeling like a book without a reader. A pen without a writer. A tv without a remote control...whatever works as a metaphor here. I am a dancer and it has been weeks since I've had a dance class. Since I've danced at all. I know I've been working a lot lately and packing for my move (me and Dave are moving in on our own together this Friday), but these are just excuses really. There is one big reason I haven't been able to dance.
I just can't find any classes. You would think in a city like Jacksonville, the largest city in the US area-wise, I could find at least one studio that has classes for the level and age that I am. But I just can't seem to find a studio that feels as much like home as my studio in Tallahassee did/does. It felt closer than home to me. Spending 3-4 hours a day with my girls at the studio three or four days a week was the happiest part of my life for the last four years. And it's really the ONLY thing I miss now that I'm in JAX. And today, I miss it really bad.

I was going to go to dance class at a studio tonight, to try out their adult "funky hiphop" class, though I'm sure I would have found it too easy and goofy, but I got called in to work instead. If I were in Tally and this had happened, I would have said "no I have dance" but since I'm not "married" to a studio or even found any likeable classes, it was no question that I'd take the shift.

It's just sad that I'm not dancing every day. I on't know who I am when I'm not dancing and right now I just feel so un-me. No wonder I've been a bit reclusive lately. I'm not happy :( Cause I'm not dancing.


  1. Don't have much in the way of Holiday Meal Planz. I hate to say it, but the 'spice' has left my life and my food is a reflection of that as it is bland and very Spartan.

    That being said I do have loads of simple workouts to stoke the yule time fires of everyone's metabolism. Especially for folks who can't get to the gym because of working overtime around the holidays.

  2. That counts too! Let's do this :)

    Whats wrong with "spartan"? lol

  3. So, I am just sort of reading the backlog here with everything that has been going on in my life I have not had time to read these (though I really enjoy them). I just wanted to chime in though and say I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have not found a decent place to dance since moving down here in May and the one place that is a maybe, I can never fit into my lovely work schedule.

    You really had a great studio in Tally, I wish I could have found a job up there so I could have taken classes there because believe me, a studio with the right age range, a good level of difficulty, and opportunities to perform are rare. Even in a big city like Chicago, I can find places to take classes that challenge me, but unless you are in the company, there are no real performance opportunities.
