Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On the First Day of FITmas...

The countdown has begun!

The first day of FITmas is upon us, and so is the 25-day countdown to one of the biggest days of the year. Today, we embark upon a journey together to shop, savor, and sweat through the holidays without packing on the holiday pounds. My goal with this is for us all to wake up Christmas morning, and while the kids are glowing and excited as they check out all the new presents Santa gave them, we are also glowing and excited checking out the most important present we could ever give ourselves. This year, lets all wake up to find the best body we could ever hope for for ourselves, something Santa just couldn't bring.

Okay now that I've talked about Christmas for a few sentences, lets not forget today is also the first night of Chanukah. This means that in addition to egg nog, pumpkin pie, and gingerbread treats in the form of creamy lattes and people-shaped cookies, there will also be deliciously fried potato latkes, chocolate coins, and gallons of Manieschevitz wine. Because sweet treats an lavish eats don't discriminate during the holiday season.

The first day of December, aside from being the firsy night of Chanukah and the first day of everyone's Christmas countdown, is also the day that many people wake up in a panic. If you thought Black Friday was the biggest shopping day of the year, well you're right... but the next 25 days come in a close... second o.O So since today, after a long day of work, you'll be likely hitting the malls trying to take care of those gift lists, I've decided that the first tips of FITmas will be a workout you can do at the office, at home, or the mall, and a mall food court survival idea:

1. Toning with Tidings: As you're walking through the office, around the house, or at the mall, do yourself (and your childhood ballet teacher) a favor and try to walk only on your tippy toes. The is a discrete way of burning extra calories, and toning your calf and hamstring muscles as you walk around doing the thins you were going to do anyway. This is kind of the same idea that Sketchers has implemented into their Shape-Up shoes, but as a dancer I can promise you that it works better when you do it on your own in any shoe from sneakers to stilettos. And it saves you some gift money, too, so go forth and shop.

2. Mall Food Court Survival Tip #1: Yes there with be several of these, since the holiday season does involve spending waaaaay too much time at the mall.
The food court is filled with many choices, and while a slice of Sbarro pizza or a double cheeseburger may seem tasty, try to realize that there are other options. A great way I feel to make the best out of a food court meal is to do a lap or two around the food court and check out all of your options before you decide. You may find that teriyaki chicken over sauteed vegetables for $4.95 at Sarku Japan or a foot long $5 Subway Club is a much better bang for your buck and your bod, saving you money and calories.

Today will be the start, not only of the holidays but of a promise that we will all make to ourselves to be good to our families, our friends, and our BODIES. So happy first day of FITmas to all, and have a happy and healthful first night of Chanukah. See you tomorrow for day 2.

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