Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve-il

So here we are: the dawning of the new year is upon us. This typically means parties, plastic-ware and above all else: promises. Promises we make to ourselves to live a better, happier, healthier year once the ball drops and we can leave our troubles, antics and missteps of 2010 behind us.

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again until the day I die: resolutions are great, but if you wait until the new year to start on them, they are more than likely doomed to failure. This is because real changes, real determination does not have a start time other than right now. The moment you decide to change must be the moment that you START to change, otherwise you're setting yourself up for a binge of bad habits "getting it all out" before you even begin. And that's not a beginning for change, that's just pressing pause after overindulging in the on-demand feature.

But even still, I know many of my readers are making New Year's resolutions as I write this, ones that will begin starting tomorrow. After all, what fun would it be to start them BEFORE the NYE party?

I get it. I totally get it, and that's why I'm determined to help you stick to your resolutions and achieve your goals. I'll keep coming at you with new diet tricks, recipes, workouts, daily calorie burns, and money saving hints to help make sure that 2011 is the healthiest and wealthiest year you have ever had.

So tell me your resolutions. Tell me what you want to change, what you want to achieve and we all may find that we have the same goals and the same vices in common. If I were to call my recent resolutions "New Year's Resolutions" they would be the following:

-Stop swearing entirely
-Stop snacking on pizza at work
-Take hard core pilates at least once a week.

These are my current goals, aspirations, and determinants for change. What are yours? Let's own 2011 together, shall we?

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