Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry tidings of health and fitness on this Christmas Day!

I hope the last 25 days have been filled with fun, family and FITness, of course. Remember today is a day to enjoy some great food and great memories with your family and friends. So if you can't find time for a workout, and you still really really want a second helping of your grandmother's pecan pie, go for it, and no one will fault you. Days like today, holidays and special occasions, are truly why it is so important that we keep our fitness and health in line every other day of the year. If every day is an indulgence, and every day is a lazy day, then it keeps us from really being able to enjoy these days that are so special. Not to mention, we may have fewer years and special days left if we keep living such unhealthy lifestyles.

So today, have your pie, glaze your ham, and chill out on your couch with the ones you love in front of your beautifully decorated tree... or menorah... or Festivus Pole. Because we earned it.

Tomorrow is a new day. I don't make New Years resolutions. In fact, I hate New Years resolutions. I believe that if you are resolved to do something or change something, you wouldn't wait even one minute to put it into practice. There's no sense in waiting until the new year starts to change something that's important to you, especially when it comes to your body.

That's how this cycle always happens.
"I wanna lose weight/ get fit/ be more active. Something has to change."
"The New Year is almost here. That's a good time for change. I think I'll start my new diet/ workout/ life after New Year's Eve."
"Oh well, I guess since I'll be doing this on the first, that means I should really enjoy the holidays and all the food while I can. That way I'll get it all out before I really buckle down and get to work on myself."
[Insert fifteen pounds here.]
"Today's a new day of a new year, and I am resolved to change! Maybe after a few weeks of hard work, I'll reach my goals."
[A few weeks later. You might be back down to the weight you were before the holidays started.]

Gorging before the new year doesn't help set you on the right track to getting healthy. That's almost like shooting yourself in the foot before starting a race. Yes, I do think you should enjoy yourself over the holidays. But don't wait until January 1st to add some cardio into your day, or throw out the ten bags of candy that you have, or buy that first pack of Nicorette. Every day is a new day, and the changes that last never have a countdown to when they start.

Today is Christmas. Tomorrow is Festivus. The 27th is my best friend's birthday. I'm working a double on the 28th. The 29th is another birthday. The 30th is an anniversary. And then there's New Year's Eve. There's always something that could keep me from tackling such a daunting project as changing my life. But fitness isn't a daunting project. Fitness comes from little changes and healthier choices that you make every day. You don't have to wait until after a major event to choose carrots over corn chips. You don't have to wait until the family is out of town to spend an hour at the gym, or take a yoga class. It's simpler than that. Decide you want to be healthy, and do it.

Tomorrow is a new day. Tonight I'm going to eat a jelly doughnut as I light my menorah, and I'm going to have a second helping of potatoes au gratin. And I'm going to enjoy some more of my Silk egg nog. But tomorrow I'm going to get up and run for an hour before my parents come on their last day in town, and I'm going to do my usual Sunday shopping for healthy foods at the grocery store after work. Because that's what I do to stay healthy and feel good no matter what day of the year it is. I'd love to hear what you guys are doing today, and what you plan to do tomorrow, so feel free to comment here or on Facebook.

So have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Belated Hanukkah, and a wonderful Festivus Eve.

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