Thursday, December 2, 2010

FITting into the hours

Happy second day of FITmas! How are everyone's calves feeling? :)

So about this title for Day 2 "FITting into the hours." No I don't mean squeezing more fitness into your precious hours of the day, though that is the general idea of this blog. I mean fitting your life into the hours of operation of your gym. Today I got an email from the gym I go to outlining their holiday hours. It's like they want us to get fat this holiday by not giving us any hours over what they call the "Christmas Break." Seriously, not being open for the holidays, from the 24th to the 1st, is just cruel.

I mean I guess it works for them since I'm sure that will boost membership and attendance after the new year. But for those of us who don't wait until the new year to start our resolution, this bites. So here's some advice I have if you've run into the same problem I just have.

1. Cheat on your gym. That's right, I'm saying it's okay to cheat and spend a little time at a different gym. I mean, your gym isn't meeting your needs right now. Why deprive yourself of what you need and want while they're being selfish and closing for a whole week? Don't be afraid to "take a break" and workout somewhere else for a bit. The best part is that you might find some gyms in your area that are open for that week, AND have free week passes that you can snag. Now you'll have a gym for that week you were so worried about (especially since its such a crucial, calorie-filled time), and it didn't cost anything extra. Win-Win.

2. Hit the streets. While your gym is closing its doors to you for a few days, this could be a good opportunity to workout outside the box. Put on your running sneakers and hit the trails at your favorite park. This is working out with a great view, so its definitely something worth doing, even when your gym is open. You can also ride a bike around the neighborhood, go out dancing or get some friends together and play some basketball, football, or even quidditch if you can find the rules for it...and maybe a broomstick. Try to see the bright side of the "closed" sign and step outside. Make lemonade out of this lemon, as cliche as that sounds.

There's really nothing you can do when your gym closes for a holiday. Believe me I've tried everything, even offering to work there at the front desk just so it could be open on Thanksgiving. There are many gyms that won't be closing their doors for the holidays like mine, and if you can get a free pass for the week (24 hour fitness and Bally total fitness are both good options for this idea) do it. Let's just keep up with our goals despite the obstacles that might crop up. I mean, it's the holidays, so there has to be some drama somewhere. At least this is manageable drama lol.

Love and health,


1 comment:

  1. My gym is open EVERY DAY over the holidays - but I don't get to be there to work off all the extra food, since we'll be spending the week at my mother's. :o Do you have any ideas on home workouts without exercise equipment?
