Thursday, December 23, 2010

Behind and buried

Hey guys,

How are your 25 days of FIT-mas going? I hope better than mine. I swear, right now the ONLY thing going well is my workout, and that's only because I don't let my day start until I've finished at least my minimum amount of cardio. Aside from that though, I'm behind in my workouts. I haven't gotten to take yoga, or dance or even weight train at all. It's not making for a happy Jenne. So I definitely hope that your workouts are going strong and keeping you sane throughout these stressful yet sweet weeks of holidays.

I've had quite a run, myself, and I wish I meant that literally. I hate to aire my laundry but I am going to use part of this blog to get out what's been going on with me, and why I've had some "radio silence" on this blog these past few days. I say this mainly because for those of you who can relate to my stress, I feel that we can suffer together and support each other through it.

To start, my move is finally complete, but the logistical nightmare it has become has only just begun. My house is set up, but the bills for it are all over the place. I have a bill for my previous address and my current address that overlaps because the electricity wasn't turned on at the old they charged all of what was being used to me from the day I moved out until it was finally transferred on the 19th. Well S#!*
And I can't and won't even ask my old roommates to help with it because my moving out caused too many problems in the first place. I will take care of this, whether the electric co. fixes it or I just pay it. It wouldn't be right to put any more of the burden of my move on my friends.

More financial trouble: my baby girl, my kitten, Sayuri, is really sick. We took the cats to the vet the day we moved to get them checked and cured for worms, but Sayuri didn't come home right away. And she has gone back a few times since for tests. She has always had allergies, snotting everywhere. Gross, but kinda cute. But it's turned into something scary now and the vets are throwing words out that make me so scared I'm ready to write checks left and right for any test that might help her. Words like "tumor" and "Leukemia." We put her on an insurance plan that will cover some of these tests and all future vet visits but the monthly fee is something we hadn't expected. Still she is our baby girl and we will take care of her at whatever cost. If you pray, please feel free to keep her in your thoughts. We all hope she gets better.

To add insult to financial injury, Dave (my adorable fiance) has had to quit one of his jobs for one that will start after the new year. It will yield better hours and better pay once it begins, but for the time being, we are down about 1/3 of our income and our rent increased by 3x since we moved. Ouch. I've been working doubles every day I can to make up for it so we can afford all these little surprises.

Like my tuition for the spring. Yeah, there's another surprise. I had decided in October that being in the band and trying to take these classes was just too much to handle, and while I was pretty close to finishing, it would be better to put it on hold for a while so I can give it 100% when I went back. Good plan, right? Well, my major professor and my dean decided to do me the best favor ever by signing off on my program of study to be completed after taking just three classes this spring, accepting some course substitutions in place of further requirements. This is amazing, and I am so happy that I will get to graduate this April! However, I had already canceled my financial aid for the I'll have to pay the $3000 in tuition out of my wedding fund.

Let's not even go there lol.

So yeah, with all that happening just this week alone, I really haven't had time to write in my blog let alone feel inspired to inspire others. I've been really down and stressed, trying to stay afloat. It's been hard, bu I see light at the end of the tunnel. I know that if I keep pushing through, I will make it out okay. Dave's new job will start and he will be happy finally working in his field instead of in food service. I'll have a shiny new degree to hang on my wall come April and a sense of accomplishment and pride in myself along with it. I'll have all three healthy cats, that I very much consider as my own children. Good times are coming, for sure. I just have to push myself through the tough times.

Kind of like a diet/workout/fitness goal. There are tough times as we reshape our lives for a new, healthier, fitter us. It may get really hard some days, both mentally and physically. It might get hard financially (to afford healthier foods, gym memberships, etc.). But we can and will make it through. Together. Just like I know you, my readers, are there for me now when I need your support, even just as a :::hug::: from afar, I will be there for you. To give you advice, inspire you with new ideas and show you that we can suffer and succeed together.

I hope your holidays have been happy and healthy so far. Two more days of FIT-mas to go. Let's do this Holiday right! At the very least, let's have a happy and healthy sate of mind as we share our time with our friends and family. THAT is what this season is all about!

Thanks for "listening"


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