Friday, December 3, 2010

The giving season

Tis the season for giving, and what better way to fill yourself with the holiday spirit than to give a little of yourself, your time and your love to your friends, especially when they need you most? :)

I say this because I have some WONDERFUL friends who are helping me and Dave move today and tomorrow. I appreciate the help so much and the fact that they are waking up early and taking the time out of their super busy lives to help us with heavy lifting and hard labor means so much to me.

That being the case, the heavy lifting and hard labor sparked an idea for me. This season, why not help your friends AND yourself along the way by offering to help them with things like moving, cleaning, organizing or babysitting. I mean, spring cleaning doesn't have to just be for the spring. Why not help someone overhaul their house with Lysol and a vacuum so it can be beautiful for their family's Christmas dinner? Or help a friend move right after the new year? Or maybe you can watch the kids one night so your friends can enjoy a nice dinner or a night on the town?

The benefits are endless. Your friends and family get the help they need and you get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with helping someone. PLUS you get to burn calories galore. Here's the calorie breakdown of these helpful activities:

Cleaning (household) - 240 calories per hour
Childcare - Between 100 and 200 calories per hour depending on activities
Moving furniture/boxes - 500 calories per hour
Packing/unpacking boxes - 200 calories per hour
Wrapping presents, etc. - 100 calories per hour

**Calories burned statistics were taken from, and are approximate, based on a 150 pound person.

See? Helping someone else does have rewards for you, both in karma and calorie burning. Tis truly the season so lend a helping hand. And you can surely find the time to FIT it in since you can use this as your workout!

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