Sunday, December 5, 2010

A lesson of life

Day 4 and 5 of FIT-mas have to be done together, pretty much because life has gotten in the way of my blogging. lol But this is a good tip for this/these days.

Life isn't always easy to plan around, as we all know. Whether you're a working mom of three or a crazed out college student during finals week, everyone has a million things going on at all times. That's just become the everyday-ness of life for everyone these days.

That being said, I found myself yesterday working a morning shift at my new job, then spending the entire afternoon/night setting up my new apartment. It was exhausting and the fact that my job nor my new apartment has internet led me to have to miss my fourth day of FIT-mas...and my fourth night of Chanukah :( It's okay, though. I'll blog and light some candles today and everything will be okay.

BECAUSE: It is okay to have things come up, and it is okay to fall behind sometimes. Tell yourself, outloud if needed: It is perfectly okay to not be superman/woman and do everything all at once all the time. It is okay to miss an obligation and be human.

Life's obligations can be cruel, so make sure you do the things you need to do on a deadline before you decide what just won't make the cut. This is dangerous for us, though, because one of the first things to be cut from our schedules is our workout, especially around the holidays.

DON'T let your workout be the thing that you fall behind on. Your body is the only thing you have that lets you live the life you want, so if you don't take care of it and keep it fit and healthy, how will you enjoy your holidays and make it through all the stresses at all? Your body and your health HAVE to be a priority or all of the other cards will fall from your delicately crafted life (house) of cards.

My advice is to workout first thing in the morning. I don't let my day start until I've at least spent one hour on the elliptical. Granted, everyone's workout regimens are different. For me, one hour is the minimum I will do per day before I let my day begin. For you guys, figure out what your minimum is, whether it's based on calories burned, muscles worked or your post-workout emotional state, and make that the most important part of your routine. That way, no matter what else happens the rest of the day, you know you got your fitness taken care of and can, literally, rest easy.

That being said, I will say that I burned a heck of a lot of calories yesterday while I wasn't blogging. And there's another lesson in itself. Get off the computer (after you're done reading my blog, of course lol) and get outside. Do something active, AND productive. My parents think I'm crazy for liking my job as a server in a restaurant. I'm not crazy, I'm just not a fan of being on my butt all day. What I like most about serving and retail work is the fact that I'm on my feet and active all day. It's a nice feeling, and it surely helps me maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

If your job is one where you do have to sit down all day, that's okay. Just make sure you take time to be active before and after work. This doesn't have to mean taking fitness classes or sweating at the gym right after the 5-o-clock bell hits. I mean aside from your workout, take some time and play outside with your kids. Join a community or office sports team or even just go out dancing at the clubs on the weekends. Something to get you moving and help you spend time with those you love.

Now THAT is what the holiday spirit is all about. :)

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