Sunday, January 2, 2011

Real quick

Dave and I realized two days ago that tomorrow, Monday the 3rd of January, marks 90 days left until our wedding.




My real quick bit of advice for today:

The next time you get so stressed out you want nothing but carbs (LIKE ME!), try to have some popcorn available. It's carby. It's salty. It's low calorie.

But most importantly. If you eat an entire 100 calorie bag, you may just make yourself feel icky enough that you won't want any more carbs. Just a tall glass of water.

This is my new solution to my own carbocravings, since I'd rather not chain chew my way through a pack of aspartame filled gum in 15 minutes (which I've been known to do...)

On that note, I'm going to get back to my invite/email lists and hopefully pass out soon so I can wake up with enough time for a nice run in the morning. The best part of my day is that hour on the elliptical where no one can bother me and I can just run in peace, listening to my iPod or watching some HGTV. It's my ultimate "me" time. I can't wait.

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