Sunday, January 9, 2011

Forbidden to be FIT

This is so frustrating. I'm sick with Strep Throat and I've been told I'm not allowed to work out for at least three days. This is really upsetting to me...and very boring.

But on the other hand, it is a lesson for myself and anyone who seems to run themselves constantly on the verge of empty. Maybe if I had rested more, and not constantly pushed myself so hard in work and workouts, I might not have gotten so sick. Maybe; maybe not. But it is an interesting idea.

Still, I hate laying here in bed, having hardly been conscious all day thanks to antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds (p.s. I hate taking medication). When I'm awake, I'm stir crazy. I can feel my muscles spazzing, begging me to run and let some air circulate through them.

But even if I really wanted to workout and forget the fact that I'm "not allowed" to until Tuesday, I don't even think I could today. That's the other thing about being sick: your body just succumbs to the virus and everything shuts down. My back aches, my legs are tight, and I have no coordination or balance. Not good combos for a workout.

So I will diligently listen to the advice I've been given and stay in least for today. We'll see how good I can be tomorrow...

For now, the wisdom I will share stems from my frustration of being sick and trying to find the underlying causes of it. Dave swears it's stress, but that can't be right. I have been constantly stressed for 5 years, but only sick a couple of times therein. As not good as stress may be, I hardly think it's related to this. I think it's actually my current eating habits, making this a prime subject for tonight's blog post.

I've been a bad vegetarian lately. Namely, I've been craving, and subsequently eating meats. I blame both my recent diet of take out from all of the restaurants me and Dave have been working at and the fact that Libretto's Pizzeria has the best meatballs I've ever tasted. But regardless of who is to blame, I've been eating meats often lately. And being that the last time I was this sick (last november), I was eating a lot of meat at Firehouse subs, I am putting the two together.

I'm not saying that everyone should be a vegetarian, although there is something to be said for all of the research and doctor recommendations that indicate that a meatless diet is the best for one's overall health and maintaining/losing weight ( I'm saying that this is what seems to work best for me and my body and even though some meats taste really good, I shouldn't constantly indulge in them like I've been doing. Plus all of the take out can't be good for anyone.

My advice today is advice I will try very hard to take myself. If you have the time, cook your own meals. Meals that are healthy and nutritious. Tasty too, of course.

Some take our alternative ideas: Instead of going out for a burger, make home made sirloin burgers with lean ground sirloin and whole wheat buns. Save a tons of calories by topping them with homemade tzaziki sauce or fat free ranch or bbq sauce instead of mayo and high fat sauces. Try melting Feta or laughing cow light cheese wedges instead of full fat cheese on top. Fr vegetarians like me, try grilling boca vegan patties. They're delicious and low cal to boot!
Instead of ordering pizza, try making your own with healthier and cheaper ingredients. You can either get a fresh wad of dough from the bakery for a pizza or use flatbread, french bread or pillsbury rolled pizza dough as a base for a nice pizza. Add mushrooms, onions and peppers to a jar of ragu pizza sauce (which is nicely low in calories) and top with part skim or low fat Mozz, cheddar or any other cheese and toppings. Vegetable toppings add barely any calories so feel free to load up with these!

These are both things I have cooked before successfully. That's saying a lot since I'm not a great cook. Seriously, my version of cooking usually involves dialing 7 digits. But I am trying to be healthier and take control of what I'm eating. The best way to do that, and take more control of your health as a result, is to cook your own food with ingredients you choose for yourself. I think I'm going to go read a bit of Fast Foo Nation before I pass out again, to remind myself that being as sick as this is never worth living on fast food, no matter how tasty it seems.

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