Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 Easy Moves ANYWHERE

I'm having one of those mornings where I'm realizing that my body just can't handle working out today. I have been fighting what everyone has lovingly termed "Con Crud" (a cold I picked up at Dragon Con) for some time now and today it has fully manifested itself into a sinus infection. Yes, this will make my upcoming gig on the Gothic Cruise just peachy :/

Anyways, I've decided to turn my lack of physical energy into some mental energy for all of you, and tell you about two more weight training moves you can do pretty much anywhere. These are all moves I did in my old office (you know, one of those 9-5er offices with computers, staplers and no windows). Try these out at work, at home or even standing in line at the grocery store:

1. Vertical push-ups
Find a nearby wall, rack, or something to brace both hands on and stand with your feet together about 1-3 feet away from it, depending how long your arms are. Place your hands on the wall as far away or as close together as you need to to feel stable while doing a push up action against the wall. Firmly plant your feet where they are and then let yourself fall into the wall, creating an incline. Then, push away from the wall back to an upright position. **The slower you do these movements, the more resistance you're placing on your arms which equals increased toning and muscle building.
Repeat for 3 sets of 10 or until your boss comes back around to ask for more photocopies.

2. Weightless squats
Yes, you may look silly doing these in a mall, the office or a store, but when you're being stared at for how good your rear looks in your jeans just a week or two later, you'll think it was totally worth it. Anywhere, anytime you're just standing around, do some squats. They don't have to be full on squats and lunges like you'd do in the gym, but there are ways to do the same movements with the same results, just more discretely. Stand with legs a bit more than hip width apart, feet facing either forward or outward, however you're comfortable. Keep your torso as straight as you can as you do this movement. Bend your knees to an angle, as low as you can without knee pain, typically between 45 and 90 degrees, sticking your rear out slightly. Then rise up slowly, concentrating on using your quadriceps and gluteals to pull yourself to standing. Repeat 3 sets of 10 or until you get tired of feeling like you're being stared at.

Even if you just do these a few times while no one is looking, they add up. Its a simple way to burn a few calories and tone some muscle while you have a spare moment. Multitasking at work, home or play is the best way of Fitting Fitness into even the busiest day. I might even go for a few of these moves if I can get out of bed later. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


So I'm sitting at this coffee house, doing my homework and I can feel the Three Layer cake calling to me. Its probably one of the best cakes I've ever tasted, and it's literally screaming "EAT ME!" from behind the back-lit, refrigerated glass case. I do want it, but I have to know where my priorities are at the same time.

I have a gig that we leave for in just a few days, one where I will certainly have to wear a half top costume and plenty of swimsuits (The Gothic Cruise). As much as I know I want that cake, I have to be good and keep my diet on track. One slice of thee layer cake probably has over 600 calories in it, and this is probably a severe underestimation.

Not to mention all the temptations there will be on the cruise. All the food and drink I could ever want will be right at my fingertips. It will be hard to resist.

That's the thing though. We all have these temptations, and we all think we should ALWAYS resist. That's not true. Just as I will surely give in and have some sweets and savories on the cruise, you all should not constantly deny yourselves these foods and drinks you love "for the sake of your diet". Now I don't recommend eating a huge slice of 1000 calorie cake every day, but maybe splitting a slice with a friend once a week would be a nice way to have some sweets in moderation. And think of how much your friend will love you for the cake!

Temptations aren't all bad, especially if we can get a bit of pleasure from a taste of something delectable every once in a while. How will i ensure that my temptations wont nix my hard work before the show? Easy: the boat has a gym :)

And I have to know that there is a balance. If I do eat this huge piece of layer cake or some kind of pastry that probably breaks my calorie bank, I have to balance the rest of my day out with healthy things in order to make sure I don't overload and overstuff myself. Some days, knowing I'll be going out to dinner that night, I concentrate on eating mostly fruits and veggies throughout the day, to give myself a bit of a buffer for splurging that night. If you keep your net calories at a decent amount for your weight goals, size and appetite, then you'll be fine to splurge a little. It's all a game of give and take.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Frustrations and energy

Well, I've had a pretty frustrating couple of days. I won't make this a blog where I just complain about everything, but I'll give you the basic gist:

-Comcast shut off my cable and internet and is being VERY unreliable about turning it back on. Apparently I won't have it back until Tuesday. That'll be great for my assignments for my classes, huh?
-Dave and I have come to a major decision for ourselves that may potentially be a financial gamble, one with a fantastic reward, though.
-My classes just aren't going well since I barely have time to write this blog let alone study and write papers. This is so not like me, but other things have to come first right now, like the band. The band is absolutely my number 1 priority. Try getting my professors to see that though...

So yeah, I've been frustrated. But you know what good has come out of this? My workouts have been amped up. Ive had so much anger toward comcast and anxiety about school and the decision thing that I've just had so much energy to burn on my elliptical. It's been great for my fitness. The rest of me...well hopefully it'll all sort out soon.

So if you have stress or frustrations, make some calorie-burning "lemonade" and let it all out in a run, or a swim, or lifting weights. Just don't go overboard or you might find yourself getting injured or dehydrated without realizing it. Work through the stress, but don't let the stress work you. And on that note, as I'm getting kicked out of this coffee house with free internet, I'm going to go run off my anger at Comcast. Oh yes, I'm very angry, but at least I'll be healthy and angry lol.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Everyday fitness

Everyday, people generally have a set list of things they have to take care of. Generally, this includes things like:
-Walk the dog
-Vacuum the house
-Go to work
-Hang up the laundry

Well all of these "chores" and "to-do's" can really add up as calorie burning activities, which is especially nice when it's all stuff you have to do anyway! Here's a break down of some of your favorite "chores" and jobs on the calories-burned scale:

-Walking the dog: Depending on the size of the dog and the speed of your walk, taking the animals out for a potty break can burn anywhere from 150 to 350 calories an hour.

-Vacuuming the house: This can do double duty to both get your house nice and clean and burn between 170 and 200 calories per hour! This also counts as a weight resistant activity if using a vacuum that is heavy enough to provide some strain on your arm muscles. *Remember to work those arm muscles evenly by switching arms throughout this activity

-Doing the laundry: Folding, hanging and sorting clothes can earn you a nice 140 calories burned per hour, not to mention the nice weight bearing exercise you get carrying around a basket full of clothes.

-Going to work: depending on where you work, this can be quite an intense workout without you even realizing it. Here are some popular jobs and their burn factors:
Serving/waiting tables- 170 calories per hour and a nice arm workout from all the plate carrying
Teaching- approx. 150 calories per hour and great gams from standing all day, especially in heels.
Retail- 150-200 calories per hour, the upper end of this comes from stocking shelves and other weight bearing activities that happen in the retail world. No wonder those Publix stock clerks have such nice arms! lol

**Now, if you're an office worker, this unfortunately does not apply. Sitting at a desk all day is hardly "active" but there are some ways to get these calories quotas throughout your office work day.
1) Instead of calling other offices and employees that you need to speak with throughout the day, get up and walk over to them. The walking will add up and you'll burn more calories a day this way.
2) Take the stairs. It'll probably suck at 7:30 or 8am to go up a few flights, but you'll thank yourself for it when you get compliments on your shapely legs after a few weeks
3) Stay organized. Keep active about keeping your office neat by filing and organizing your area every day. Basic cleaning like this can add up throughout the day, ranging from 150-200 calories per hour.

See? Fitness doesn't have to be hard, especially when its something you already do every day. This doesn't mean you should skip the gym though. :)

***All calorie information is from, and is based on a 150 pound person. Those who weight more will burn more calories per hour per activity and those who weigh less will burn fewer calories per hour per activity.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good times and good news

To start this off, I'm just going to put it all out there: Me and my fiance, David, finally set our wedding date today! We set it for a date that is sure to avoid any overlap with tours next year, so we're really excited! Come next summer, I'll be a happily married woman!!! (Oh and I also picked out my dress and I LOVE it!)

Okay, now that that's out of the way, we can get down to business. Uh, yeah right. This post has nothing to do with business, or work or anything that sounds like not so much fun. Today, I'm endeavoring to have tons of fun and so should you!

I'm going to take some dance classes tonight. I haven't gotten to tap dance in a while, which makes me sad because I love tap dancing. What activities do you enjoy? If you know you love football or tennis or running in the ark, you should go do some of that. Now. lol Why not? Go have some fun and burn tons of calories at the same time! Sounds like a plan to me. :)

Seriously, though, classes and team sports and games are some of the best ways to burn calories and tone up. The time passes so quickly since you're having fun and the calorie burning can get really intense, especially with high intensity sports like paying tackle football with your buddies at the park or going dancing with your friends at the clubs. Yes, that's right: dancing at the clubs can produce some of the highest calorie burning ratios possible. So if you just don't feel like hitting the gym today, but you definitely feel like hitting the dance floor tonight, GO FOR IT!
Honestly, do whatever you like so long as you get nice and sweaty in the process. The weight will literally melt off onto the dancefloor, the sports field or the park path.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Squeeze it in where you can

So I woke up late this morning, and didn't get much of a chance to work out. I made it to the Gym okay, but I only had an hour to run on the elliptical leaving no time for anything else. Today was my hips/thighs weight training day too. /sigh

So I resorted to squeezing in mini workouts for these muscles where I can, and it works out just as well. Here's how to be an extreme fitness multi-tasker, even on your most hectic days:

Target Area: Butt and inner thighs
Time Crunch: No time to even comb your hair before work

While you're brushing your teeth, stand in a wide stance with your feet turned out. Squat down until your legs are almost at a 90 degree angle and squeeze back up to standing.
Repeat until you're done brushing your teeth.
This gives a nice toning workout to this area without taking up any extra time since you just would have been standing there checking the bags under your eyes or playing with your bangs in the mirror anyway.

Target Area: Biceps and triceps
Time Crunch: Have to run to the grocery store after work to get dinner instead of going to the gym.

Head straight to the soda aisle and grab a 2-liter of anything (preferably something you hate so you're not tempted to buy it after). While you're walking up and down the grocery aisles, hold the 2-liter in your hand, extending your arm straight out in front of you. Don't pump it, just hold it. This is a static exercise, which forces your muscles to work continuously until you put it down. Switch arms half way through your shopping excursion or alternate arms as you see fit. The longer you hold it at one time, the harder the muscles will work.
**Yes you'll look strange while you do this, but the results will be more than enough to make up for any embarrassment. Plus, you're probably still not the strangest looking person in there, especially if you shop at WalMart.

Target Area: Abs and/or butt
Time Crunch: You're in the car and on your way...somewhere. You didn't even have time to lock your front door, let alone squeeze in gym time.

While you're sitting in the car, whether you're driving or not, tighten your abs. That's all, just tighten your core as you sit and hold it until you get out of the car or as long as you can. DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE. If you do this properly, you should be slightly sore after, which is a good thing. That's how you know you're working. Don't strain too hard, though, and if you have any urge to pee, this exercise may not be the best idea.
Alternatively, you can tighten your gluteal muscles instead, so you can sculpt your butt while you are stuck sitting on it for a while.

These are just a few ideas to help you get some muscle work into even the busiest of days. I mean, hey it works for me when I'm in a time crunch. I especially love the car exercises when I'm sitting for hours in the tour van. It really helps me stay sane as an exercise junkie lol.

Monday, September 13, 2010


I was asked by a friend to post one of my fitness routines on here, so people could see how I stay so fit. Honestly, I do have a routine, but my overall fitness comes from being active in general. There really is no set routine for this. The best way to get slim and stay fit is to just be as active as you can in daily life. I choose dance. What's your fitness gateway?

My "routine" though pretty much goes like this.

1. Get up and head straight to the gym.
---Working out before eating and before the day begins is the best way to jumpstart your metabolism. Although if you're doing weight lifting, its best to eat something with protein about an hour beforehand.

2. Run on the elliptical for 60 minutes and finish off cardio with stationary bicycle for 10 minutes to cool down.

3. Stretch for 10 minutes. Thorough stretching!

4. A few weight bearing exercises to tone my mid section (100 crunches, incline situps, sidebends, etc. Whatever I feel like that day)

5. Dance -- At least a short run through of a few songs in the set to get out some kinks and keep it fresh in my muscle memory. Sometimes I'll freestyle a bit or break out my tap shoes for fun if the gym allows it. There's usually one open room where I can let loose and practice with my ipod on.

And that's pretty much it. This can vary from day to day depending on how much time I have (like if I only have an hour, I'll just do my cardio and then head out, saving the stretches for before bed). As long as I get my cardio in I'm okay. That's me: cardio junkie!

BONUS: regular exercise helps you sleep better too. No Joke. I never toss and turn anymore now that I am getting so much cardio in. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Drop 500 in 5 seconds.

Calories I mean. It's easier than you might think to lose 500 calories from your daily diet, especially since most of these 500 are calories you're probably not even aware you're consuming. These calories often come from the most dangerous and most sneaky culprit of the kitchen:

1 can of soda contains between 120 and 200 calories, depending on the brand and flavor. 1 20oz bottle of soda can be between 220 to as much as 300 calories. Think about how many sodas you might have in a day. According to the US Department of Agriculture, most Americans drink at least one soda per day, and with super-sizing and free refills, many are drinking between three and five sodas per day. Why are we drinking this stuff? Yes it tastes good, but does it really do anything for us? Soda bloats us with sodium, rots our teeth with acid and fills us with refined sugars that turn into fat. Yum?
Killing the soda habit, or at least dropping your intake to one a day (if you're already having more than that) is an easy way to drop 500 calories from your daily diet without breaking a sweat...literally.

And don't try me with this "Okay, I'll have diet soda" business. Diet sodas, juices and "water enhancers" are just as bad if not worse for you than regular. At least regular sodas have real sugar in them..a natural ingredient of sorts. Diet drinks make you more bloated because of the extra sodium (ever wonder why Diet Coke is more bubbly?). Artificial sweeteners in diet drinks also have adverse affects on health and diet, as they can cause migraines, upset stomach's the winner... HUNGER! It's been proven in a variety of medical studies that aspartame, Splenda and other artificial sweeteners actually trigger cravings and hunger, making people who drink diet drinks more likely to gain weight rather than lose it. Yeah, I'm not seeing how this stuff is a good thing.

So what CAN you drink? Anything you want; it's your body. lol. But if you want to have some flavor in your drinks without breaking your calorie bank, here's some good alternatives:

-Sweet tea, sweetened with stevia (a natural, no calorie sweetener found in most grocery stores as "Truvia" "Purevia" and other brands.)
-Diet sodas sweetened with fructose or stevia (but watch out for the sodium content or you'll still get all bloaty).
-Vitamin Water and SoBe Life Water ZERO (these are all sweetened with stevia root and natural sugar alcohols that are not harmful to the body like artificial sweeteners)

If you know of any more, please comment here with ideas. Help your fellow readers out with some of your own tips and tricks for not drinking all of your calories in one gulp!

Ugh, do I have to?

No, you WANT to! Whether you know it or not. I promise.

I am, at this very moment, having one of those mornings where it seems like the energy to even run for 5 minutes on my elliptical is just not in me. I cleaned all day after a long work out yesterday, and then I worked crazy busy shift at the restaurant as a call in and didn't get out until 1am. Suffice it to say, I'm exhausted.

It's just one of those mornings. I don't want to get on the elliptical. I can barely sit up in bed enough to type this. I just want to lay here as long as I can before my day starts.

But I will get up, and I will start running. And you can too.

Why? Because I know that the second my body starts feeling the adrenaline rush of movement, I will stop feeling tired. I will stop feeling like I got my butt kicked, physically, at work last night and start feeling like today truly is a new day. Once you just get the strength to get up and start your exercise for the day, the energy comes to you and you're revived for the rest of what would have been a very sluggish Sunday. After a quick morning workout to burn the fatigue, you'll have plenty of energy to play with your kids, get some housework done, or be a happy, smiling employee at work.

Okay, not all of you are buying this. That's okay. It's also PERFECTLY FINE to have a lazy day, especially when you really need one. When I need these days, I focus on diet more than exercise to make up the difference.

Losing weight really is a math equation: The calories we take in must be less than the calories we burn in order to lose weight. Now, you don't have to tally up every calorie you eat and every calorie you burn (although for the meticulous dieter, this isn't a bad idea to keep good track of yourself). But on these wonderfully lazy days, where you give in to the urge to stay in bed and forgo the morning workout, or days where you enjoy the feel of the couch cushions underneath your back instead of the bicycle pedals beneath your feet, watching what you eat a little more carefully is imperative.

The number one rule of a lazy day: you're splurging with your body, so don't splurge with your mouth. You're not burning as many calories today as you normally would when you have a fitness routine, so you don't have as big of a buffer when it comes to what you're eating. Be good to your body by letting it rest, but don't put junk in it or it defeats the purpose. Avoid the junk food and keep portions reasonable and you should be fine. The worst thing you can do when you miss your daily fitness fix is to make it up with potato chips and soda. That essentially makes you miss today's workout and negates yesterdays.

(In my next blog, I'm going to post a few simple rules for dropping 500 calories a day without even thinking about it.) Going to write it now. Ready, set, go veg on the couch if you need to!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

First and foremost

The number one rule of getting and staying fit is to rework your schedule to fit in your fitness! I know it seems impossible, but once you sneak this into your day a few times, it'll just become part of your daily grind without any extra effort. And the best part is: this is the one part of your day you can be SURE is all yours. 20 minutes to an hour where no one can bother you. You've got your headphones on, the TV going or your nose in a book while you walk, run, bike, dance, etc., and no one else has to exist until you're done. It's probably the single best hour of my day. Not even kidding.

At first, I was happy just to get 15-20 minutes of cardio, uninterrupted cardio, into my routine. But especially when you're just starting, every little minute you can squeeze in makes a big difference. I promise.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Are you a gym member?
--> Head to the gym BEFORE you start your day. Get it out of the way before you get too busy to go! If it is the first thing you do, you can't forget to do it. BONUS: burning calories before breakfast jump starts your metabolism for the rest of the day, making you a calorie burning machine all day and night!

Have equipment at home?
-->dust off that old treadmill and put it in your living room, right in front of the TV! You can start walking, jogging or running while you watch your favorite shows and barely even notice you're working out until the episode is over and you realize you've run for a whole 30 minutes! My favorite: watching Say Yes to the Dress while on my elliptical. It really gets me excited to wear my wedding dress knowing how hard I'm working on my body. :)

No equipment in site?
-->Go for a morning walk BEFORE you shower and get ready for work. There's nothing so invigorating as a brisk morning walk as the sun rises. You can also make an even walk a family activity, and add extra calorie burning by playfully challenging your kids to race you home! Even if you know you can't go that fast, seeing them blaze ahead of you will give you a little extra push to keep up!

Fitness doesn't have to be another job, yet another part of your day that you dread. If fact, it can and should be the opposite. One of the most relaxing moments you can have. A true "me" moment, like pressing pause on your crazy schedule. It's amazing, once you get used to doing it every day. I'm addicted to these moments. No really; when I can't have my workout I feel like I'm missing something, and my stress levels go crazy. I need my me time. My body NEEDS my me time.

We all deserve it. So make a little room for yourself in your day, and when you start seeing the results in the mirror as well as in your mood, you'll wonder how you ever did without it!

Fitness for the Business

I'm not talking about "business" the way most people think of the word: a corporation or store or some kind of company that provides a product or service to the general public. No. I mean "business" as in the amount of "busy" that most people have added to their daily lives. Business as in how busy you are from sun up to sun down, and for most people, this is an incalculable amount. Many of us, from executives to moms spend every moment from when we wake up til we finally get to crash back down for a few short hours of rest filling up every second with our daily "to-do's" leaving little time for the one thing we all want: to be fit and healthy.

I'm a dancer in an internationally touring band. I'm also a graduate student in my last year of a Master's program in education. I am also a server at a restaurant downtown. I am also a writer for a newspaper and a magazine. I am also trying to get my first novel published. I am also planning a wedding.
For some of you, this sounds like your life, too. And if you have kids, I'm sure you read this list and were saying to yourself, "Yeah, and on top of all that, I have to make lunch in the morning!" It's a crazy hectic world and sometimes it just feels like we have to be crazy hectic just to live in it. So where does that leave time for us to get all skinny, pretty and healthy?

I go through everyday trying to fit in work, school, my projects and, if there's any time left, a little fun, into these short 24 hours. It's exhausting, but somehow I have to also find time to exercise and eat right. As we all know, an on-the-go lifestyle is most easily supported by fast cars and fast food as opposed to the healthier options of bikes and healthy home cooked meals. But as a dancer, I have to make this work. I have to, no if's and's or but's.

So how do I do it? Well, I've decided to start a blog and share my secrets with you all. It wasn't easy at first, but once I got a healthy routine to fit into my daily routine, it became...well...routine.

Every day, or as often as I can with my crazy schedule, I'll share my secrets to staying fit and trim with no time to spare for it. These can include easy exercises in 5 minutes or less, simple microwave recipes, dining out tips (fast food included!) and more. Working moms, stay at home moms, those that work two jobs and/or go to school, teenagers with too many extracurriculars and anyone else that just feels like there's no time to get skinny: LISTEN UP! If there's one thing I have learned over the years of being a workaholic, it's this: There is always a way to FIT it in!