Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fitness for the Business

I'm not talking about "business" the way most people think of the word: a corporation or store or some kind of company that provides a product or service to the general public. No. I mean "business" as in the amount of "busy" that most people have added to their daily lives. Business as in how busy you are from sun up to sun down, and for most people, this is an incalculable amount. Many of us, from executives to moms spend every moment from when we wake up til we finally get to crash back down for a few short hours of rest filling up every second with our daily "to-do's" leaving little time for the one thing we all want: to be fit and healthy.

I'm a dancer in an internationally touring band. I'm also a graduate student in my last year of a Master's program in education. I am also a server at a restaurant downtown. I am also a writer for a newspaper and a magazine. I am also trying to get my first novel published. I am also planning a wedding.
For some of you, this sounds like your life, too. And if you have kids, I'm sure you read this list and were saying to yourself, "Yeah, and on top of all that, I have to make lunch in the morning!" It's a crazy hectic world and sometimes it just feels like we have to be crazy hectic just to live in it. So where does that leave time for us to get all skinny, pretty and healthy?

I go through everyday trying to fit in work, school, my projects and, if there's any time left, a little fun, into these short 24 hours. It's exhausting, but somehow I have to also find time to exercise and eat right. As we all know, an on-the-go lifestyle is most easily supported by fast cars and fast food as opposed to the healthier options of bikes and healthy home cooked meals. But as a dancer, I have to make this work. I have to, no if's and's or but's.

So how do I do it? Well, I've decided to start a blog and share my secrets with you all. It wasn't easy at first, but once I got a healthy routine to fit into my daily routine, it became...well...routine.

Every day, or as often as I can with my crazy schedule, I'll share my secrets to staying fit and trim with no time to spare for it. These can include easy exercises in 5 minutes or less, simple microwave recipes, dining out tips (fast food included!) and more. Working moms, stay at home moms, those that work two jobs and/or go to school, teenagers with too many extracurriculars and anyone else that just feels like there's no time to get skinny: LISTEN UP! If there's one thing I have learned over the years of being a workaholic, it's this: There is always a way to FIT it in!

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