Thursday, September 23, 2010

2 Easy Moves ANYWHERE

I'm having one of those mornings where I'm realizing that my body just can't handle working out today. I have been fighting what everyone has lovingly termed "Con Crud" (a cold I picked up at Dragon Con) for some time now and today it has fully manifested itself into a sinus infection. Yes, this will make my upcoming gig on the Gothic Cruise just peachy :/

Anyways, I've decided to turn my lack of physical energy into some mental energy for all of you, and tell you about two more weight training moves you can do pretty much anywhere. These are all moves I did in my old office (you know, one of those 9-5er offices with computers, staplers and no windows). Try these out at work, at home or even standing in line at the grocery store:

1. Vertical push-ups
Find a nearby wall, rack, or something to brace both hands on and stand with your feet together about 1-3 feet away from it, depending how long your arms are. Place your hands on the wall as far away or as close together as you need to to feel stable while doing a push up action against the wall. Firmly plant your feet where they are and then let yourself fall into the wall, creating an incline. Then, push away from the wall back to an upright position. **The slower you do these movements, the more resistance you're placing on your arms which equals increased toning and muscle building.
Repeat for 3 sets of 10 or until your boss comes back around to ask for more photocopies.

2. Weightless squats
Yes, you may look silly doing these in a mall, the office or a store, but when you're being stared at for how good your rear looks in your jeans just a week or two later, you'll think it was totally worth it. Anywhere, anytime you're just standing around, do some squats. They don't have to be full on squats and lunges like you'd do in the gym, but there are ways to do the same movements with the same results, just more discretely. Stand with legs a bit more than hip width apart, feet facing either forward or outward, however you're comfortable. Keep your torso as straight as you can as you do this movement. Bend your knees to an angle, as low as you can without knee pain, typically between 45 and 90 degrees, sticking your rear out slightly. Then rise up slowly, concentrating on using your quadriceps and gluteals to pull yourself to standing. Repeat 3 sets of 10 or until you get tired of feeling like you're being stared at.

Even if you just do these a few times while no one is looking, they add up. Its a simple way to burn a few calories and tone some muscle while you have a spare moment. Multitasking at work, home or play is the best way of Fitting Fitness into even the busiest day. I might even go for a few of these moves if I can get out of bed later. :)


  1. I'm gonna have to put all these workout moves into a video and call it Jenne's Anytime Workouts Lol :)

  2. Dude, let's do it! And we can make it hilarious by actually setting the scene for these embarrassing situations while I do them! Like squats in the middle of an office where people are working around me and asking me for stuff lol.
