Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good times and good news

To start this off, I'm just going to put it all out there: Me and my fiance, David, finally set our wedding date today! We set it for a date that is sure to avoid any overlap with tours next year, so we're really excited! Come next summer, I'll be a happily married woman!!! (Oh and I also picked out my dress and I LOVE it!)

Okay, now that that's out of the way, we can get down to business. Uh, yeah right. This post has nothing to do with business, or work or anything that sounds like not so much fun. Today, I'm endeavoring to have tons of fun and so should you!

I'm going to take some dance classes tonight. I haven't gotten to tap dance in a while, which makes me sad because I love tap dancing. What activities do you enjoy? If you know you love football or tennis or running in the ark, you should go do some of that. Now. lol Why not? Go have some fun and burn tons of calories at the same time! Sounds like a plan to me. :)

Seriously, though, classes and team sports and games are some of the best ways to burn calories and tone up. The time passes so quickly since you're having fun and the calorie burning can get really intense, especially with high intensity sports like paying tackle football with your buddies at the park or going dancing with your friends at the clubs. Yes, that's right: dancing at the clubs can produce some of the highest calorie burning ratios possible. So if you just don't feel like hitting the gym today, but you definitely feel like hitting the dance floor tonight, GO FOR IT!
Honestly, do whatever you like so long as you get nice and sweaty in the process. The weight will literally melt off onto the dancefloor, the sports field or the park path.

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