Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Squeeze it in where you can

So I woke up late this morning, and didn't get much of a chance to work out. I made it to the Gym okay, but I only had an hour to run on the elliptical leaving no time for anything else. Today was my hips/thighs weight training day too. /sigh

So I resorted to squeezing in mini workouts for these muscles where I can, and it works out just as well. Here's how to be an extreme fitness multi-tasker, even on your most hectic days:

Target Area: Butt and inner thighs
Time Crunch: No time to even comb your hair before work

While you're brushing your teeth, stand in a wide stance with your feet turned out. Squat down until your legs are almost at a 90 degree angle and squeeze back up to standing.
Repeat until you're done brushing your teeth.
This gives a nice toning workout to this area without taking up any extra time since you just would have been standing there checking the bags under your eyes or playing with your bangs in the mirror anyway.

Target Area: Biceps and triceps
Time Crunch: Have to run to the grocery store after work to get dinner instead of going to the gym.

Head straight to the soda aisle and grab a 2-liter of anything (preferably something you hate so you're not tempted to buy it after). While you're walking up and down the grocery aisles, hold the 2-liter in your hand, extending your arm straight out in front of you. Don't pump it, just hold it. This is a static exercise, which forces your muscles to work continuously until you put it down. Switch arms half way through your shopping excursion or alternate arms as you see fit. The longer you hold it at one time, the harder the muscles will work.
**Yes you'll look strange while you do this, but the results will be more than enough to make up for any embarrassment. Plus, you're probably still not the strangest looking person in there, especially if you shop at WalMart.

Target Area: Abs and/or butt
Time Crunch: You're in the car and on your way...somewhere. You didn't even have time to lock your front door, let alone squeeze in gym time.

While you're sitting in the car, whether you're driving or not, tighten your abs. That's all, just tighten your core as you sit and hold it until you get out of the car or as long as you can. DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE. If you do this properly, you should be slightly sore after, which is a good thing. That's how you know you're working. Don't strain too hard, though, and if you have any urge to pee, this exercise may not be the best idea.
Alternatively, you can tighten your gluteal muscles instead, so you can sculpt your butt while you are stuck sitting on it for a while.

These are just a few ideas to help you get some muscle work into even the busiest of days. I mean, hey it works for me when I'm in a time crunch. I especially love the car exercises when I'm sitting for hours in the tour van. It really helps me stay sane as an exercise junkie lol.

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