Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve-il

So here we are: the dawning of the new year is upon us. This typically means parties, plastic-ware and above all else: promises. Promises we make to ourselves to live a better, happier, healthier year once the ball drops and we can leave our troubles, antics and missteps of 2010 behind us.

I've said this before and I'll say it again and again until the day I die: resolutions are great, but if you wait until the new year to start on them, they are more than likely doomed to failure. This is because real changes, real determination does not have a start time other than right now. The moment you decide to change must be the moment that you START to change, otherwise you're setting yourself up for a binge of bad habits "getting it all out" before you even begin. And that's not a beginning for change, that's just pressing pause after overindulging in the on-demand feature.

But even still, I know many of my readers are making New Year's resolutions as I write this, ones that will begin starting tomorrow. After all, what fun would it be to start them BEFORE the NYE party?

I get it. I totally get it, and that's why I'm determined to help you stick to your resolutions and achieve your goals. I'll keep coming at you with new diet tricks, recipes, workouts, daily calorie burns, and money saving hints to help make sure that 2011 is the healthiest and wealthiest year you have ever had.

So tell me your resolutions. Tell me what you want to change, what you want to achieve and we all may find that we have the same goals and the same vices in common. If I were to call my recent resolutions "New Year's Resolutions" they would be the following:

-Stop swearing entirely
-Stop snacking on pizza at work
-Take hard core pilates at least once a week.

These are my current goals, aspirations, and determinants for change. What are yours? Let's own 2011 together, shall we?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Penny pinching progress

Sorry it's been a few days. I haven't had internet at home...again. Here's the best advice I can give anyone:


I warned them that if they continued to upset me that I would slander their name in every publication I write for, including my internet blogs and profiles...and they now say that even though my disconnect was their fault, I have to wait in line for my new order just like everyone else and won't get it back until Jan here I am, "slanderizing." Not only are they really incompetent, their service is some of the slowest internet I've ever had.

I'll be getting clearwire and trying them out tomorrow. So we'll see.


The whole reason I went with them was because they offered me a much cheaper deal than Comcast and everyone else. $19.95/mo for high (enough) speed internet. The problem is yo get what you pay for.

But on the other hand, I really am going to miss having such a low price. I prefer to keep my bills as low as I can without sacrificing too much quality on things that are givens like TV, Internet, and other monthly expenses. It helps keep us above water and on our feet, or in my case, my toes :)

That's really my biggest secret to share: penny pinching. I literally have a porcelain pig piggy bank filled with pennies, and recently counted, it adds up to over $50. That's pretty significant for pennies. I take every cent I'm given and I save as much of it as I can. I use coupons that seem small like 35 cents here and 55 cents there. I wait to buy certain foods or things like printer paper and laundry detergent until there is a good sale like BOGO or half off, and I'm usually not picky about brands.

While this makes people refer to me as a "penny pincher" this has also saved me TONS AND TONS of money over the course of a year. Think about it. I spent $1.99 on my last bottle of laundry detergent and it has lasted me about a month so far with still a bit left to go. Typically, laundry detergent costs around $6 a bottle. Even if I buy one bottle a month, that's $4 a month I saved. $48 a year. in 5 years that's almost $250 I saved on laundry detergent.

My greatest advice to anyone who needs to start saving (for anything) is to realize the value of a penny. We throw them away, toss them in fountains and smash them into trinkets (although that last one can be cool for cheap souvenirs). Even though it's value may be small, it still has value and if we save them, they can add up to be as valuable as large paper currency. But we have to care enough about them to pick them up and put them away.

Like our bodies, we tend to forget how important pennies can be in daily life. Don't just ingest sodas and candies and high fat foods because it's cheap and tasty and that's how you want to save your money. It does no good to save money on food quality now just to spend triple the cost on medical bills later. Save your pennies, start a savings, be smart with your money on the necessities (detergent, phone service, gas, etc.) and then you'll have enough to put your money where your mouth is...literally.

Just don't use AT&T. If Comcast or other cable internet is too costly for you (and it's seriously downright grand theft at the current prices they charge at Comcast right now), keep looking for other alternatives. Before I bite the bullet and go with $50/month for Comcast internet, I will try everything I cna find that might be comparable and save me $10-15/mo at the same time. Let's hope clearwire works. In the meantime, I'll keep saving these pennies just in case. ;)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

FITness for your wallet

I've said it before, and I know it's true: FIT-ness is always a pricey investment. And now that the holidays are over, we're all feeling the strain of our overspending and generous giving from the tinsel season. How ever are we supposed to get back on track when our budgets are too busted to afford the healthy foods and gym memberships?

Well, I'm known by many of my friends, family and even strangers at work or around town as the "coupon girl" or for my money-saving tactics in general. I've been able to meet my own healthily strict dietary needs on a small budget by using my usual tricks and trades, and it was brought to my attention today that this would be a great thing to share with my readers. So here I go:

To start: COUPONS! Don't be afraid to show up at the grocery counter with a handful, a stack even, of money saving coupons. 50 cents off on your favorite brand of shampoo and $1.00 off of two general mills cereals can be quite helpful, even if you think the savings is too small to matter. Trust me, these add up fast. Here's the breakdown of how I make the most of my coupons:
1. Clip coupons for everything you might like to eat, especially healthy and organic products. You can find these coupons in the Sunday paper, in the weekly/monthly flyer at your local organic foods store (aka Whole Foods and Co-Op grocery stores), and on websites like
2. Bring these coupons every time you go shopping. You never know when something you have a coupon for is something that you want to buy that day. It's always good to have these on hand for any and every purchase.
3. Wait for sales to save even bigger. A $1.00 off the purchase of any two Kellogg's cereals coupon does double duty when used while the cereals are Buy-One-Get-One-Free (BOGO) at the store (which happens about one week out of every month, typically). I have coupons in my wallet for 70 cents off of one box of Cheerios that I'm saving for when Cheerios are BOGO. This means that instead of paying $3.99 per box, I'll end up paying only $2.59 for two boxes. Nice!

Certain foods like cereals, frozen vegetables and granola bars often go on BOGO sales AND have usually coupons in the paper flyers. These are great choices for healthy foods that won't break your budget, as opposed to living on Ramen and Hot dogs all the time, foods that won't break your budget...until you get your medical bills a few years later.

For m southeastern readers, Publix offers something that even my Mom didn't know about til today (which is amazing, since she's the one who taught me how to do all this saving!). The "Publix Promise" is something I'm always trying to watch out for and take advantage of at the store when I can. It works like this:
-Something you are buying rings up at the wrong price at the register. The price is usually higher than the one listed on the shelf tag. Watch your prices carefully as your groceries are scanned so you can make sure everything rings up right.
-But something doesn't ring up right and you ask the cashier to go read the tag so she'll know it was supposed to be cheaper.
-When she comes back, don't assume she'll just fix the price and move on. At Publix, there's a rule where if something rings up wrong, you get one of those items for free. That's the publix promise! So make sure if this ever happens to you at the check out line, you ask your cashier to honor the Publix Promise so you get one of your items for free. Today this happened with placemats my om bought me. Free placemats for the win!

More money saving tips to come. But try these out in the mean time and see how the savings can rack up!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry tidings of health and fitness on this Christmas Day!

I hope the last 25 days have been filled with fun, family and FITness, of course. Remember today is a day to enjoy some great food and great memories with your family and friends. So if you can't find time for a workout, and you still really really want a second helping of your grandmother's pecan pie, go for it, and no one will fault you. Days like today, holidays and special occasions, are truly why it is so important that we keep our fitness and health in line every other day of the year. If every day is an indulgence, and every day is a lazy day, then it keeps us from really being able to enjoy these days that are so special. Not to mention, we may have fewer years and special days left if we keep living such unhealthy lifestyles.

So today, have your pie, glaze your ham, and chill out on your couch with the ones you love in front of your beautifully decorated tree... or menorah... or Festivus Pole. Because we earned it.

Tomorrow is a new day. I don't make New Years resolutions. In fact, I hate New Years resolutions. I believe that if you are resolved to do something or change something, you wouldn't wait even one minute to put it into practice. There's no sense in waiting until the new year starts to change something that's important to you, especially when it comes to your body.

That's how this cycle always happens.
"I wanna lose weight/ get fit/ be more active. Something has to change."
"The New Year is almost here. That's a good time for change. I think I'll start my new diet/ workout/ life after New Year's Eve."
"Oh well, I guess since I'll be doing this on the first, that means I should really enjoy the holidays and all the food while I can. That way I'll get it all out before I really buckle down and get to work on myself."
[Insert fifteen pounds here.]
"Today's a new day of a new year, and I am resolved to change! Maybe after a few weeks of hard work, I'll reach my goals."
[A few weeks later. You might be back down to the weight you were before the holidays started.]

Gorging before the new year doesn't help set you on the right track to getting healthy. That's almost like shooting yourself in the foot before starting a race. Yes, I do think you should enjoy yourself over the holidays. But don't wait until January 1st to add some cardio into your day, or throw out the ten bags of candy that you have, or buy that first pack of Nicorette. Every day is a new day, and the changes that last never have a countdown to when they start.

Today is Christmas. Tomorrow is Festivus. The 27th is my best friend's birthday. I'm working a double on the 28th. The 29th is another birthday. The 30th is an anniversary. And then there's New Year's Eve. There's always something that could keep me from tackling such a daunting project as changing my life. But fitness isn't a daunting project. Fitness comes from little changes and healthier choices that you make every day. You don't have to wait until after a major event to choose carrots over corn chips. You don't have to wait until the family is out of town to spend an hour at the gym, or take a yoga class. It's simpler than that. Decide you want to be healthy, and do it.

Tomorrow is a new day. Tonight I'm going to eat a jelly doughnut as I light my menorah, and I'm going to have a second helping of potatoes au gratin. And I'm going to enjoy some more of my Silk egg nog. But tomorrow I'm going to get up and run for an hour before my parents come on their last day in town, and I'm going to do my usual Sunday shopping for healthy foods at the grocery store after work. Because that's what I do to stay healthy and feel good no matter what day of the year it is. I'd love to hear what you guys are doing today, and what you plan to do tomorrow, so feel free to comment here or on Facebook.

So have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Belated Hanukkah, and a wonderful Festivus Eve.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Behind and buried

Hey guys,

How are your 25 days of FIT-mas going? I hope better than mine. I swear, right now the ONLY thing going well is my workout, and that's only because I don't let my day start until I've finished at least my minimum amount of cardio. Aside from that though, I'm behind in my workouts. I haven't gotten to take yoga, or dance or even weight train at all. It's not making for a happy Jenne. So I definitely hope that your workouts are going strong and keeping you sane throughout these stressful yet sweet weeks of holidays.

I've had quite a run, myself, and I wish I meant that literally. I hate to aire my laundry but I am going to use part of this blog to get out what's been going on with me, and why I've had some "radio silence" on this blog these past few days. I say this mainly because for those of you who can relate to my stress, I feel that we can suffer together and support each other through it.

To start, my move is finally complete, but the logistical nightmare it has become has only just begun. My house is set up, but the bills for it are all over the place. I have a bill for my previous address and my current address that overlaps because the electricity wasn't turned on at the old they charged all of what was being used to me from the day I moved out until it was finally transferred on the 19th. Well S#!*
And I can't and won't even ask my old roommates to help with it because my moving out caused too many problems in the first place. I will take care of this, whether the electric co. fixes it or I just pay it. It wouldn't be right to put any more of the burden of my move on my friends.

More financial trouble: my baby girl, my kitten, Sayuri, is really sick. We took the cats to the vet the day we moved to get them checked and cured for worms, but Sayuri didn't come home right away. And she has gone back a few times since for tests. She has always had allergies, snotting everywhere. Gross, but kinda cute. But it's turned into something scary now and the vets are throwing words out that make me so scared I'm ready to write checks left and right for any test that might help her. Words like "tumor" and "Leukemia." We put her on an insurance plan that will cover some of these tests and all future vet visits but the monthly fee is something we hadn't expected. Still she is our baby girl and we will take care of her at whatever cost. If you pray, please feel free to keep her in your thoughts. We all hope she gets better.

To add insult to financial injury, Dave (my adorable fiance) has had to quit one of his jobs for one that will start after the new year. It will yield better hours and better pay once it begins, but for the time being, we are down about 1/3 of our income and our rent increased by 3x since we moved. Ouch. I've been working doubles every day I can to make up for it so we can afford all these little surprises.

Like my tuition for the spring. Yeah, there's another surprise. I had decided in October that being in the band and trying to take these classes was just too much to handle, and while I was pretty close to finishing, it would be better to put it on hold for a while so I can give it 100% when I went back. Good plan, right? Well, my major professor and my dean decided to do me the best favor ever by signing off on my program of study to be completed after taking just three classes this spring, accepting some course substitutions in place of further requirements. This is amazing, and I am so happy that I will get to graduate this April! However, I had already canceled my financial aid for the I'll have to pay the $3000 in tuition out of my wedding fund.

Let's not even go there lol.

So yeah, with all that happening just this week alone, I really haven't had time to write in my blog let alone feel inspired to inspire others. I've been really down and stressed, trying to stay afloat. It's been hard, bu I see light at the end of the tunnel. I know that if I keep pushing through, I will make it out okay. Dave's new job will start and he will be happy finally working in his field instead of in food service. I'll have a shiny new degree to hang on my wall come April and a sense of accomplishment and pride in myself along with it. I'll have all three healthy cats, that I very much consider as my own children. Good times are coming, for sure. I just have to push myself through the tough times.

Kind of like a diet/workout/fitness goal. There are tough times as we reshape our lives for a new, healthier, fitter us. It may get really hard some days, both mentally and physically. It might get hard financially (to afford healthier foods, gym memberships, etc.). But we can and will make it through. Together. Just like I know you, my readers, are there for me now when I need your support, even just as a :::hug::: from afar, I will be there for you. To give you advice, inspire you with new ideas and show you that we can suffer and succeed together.

I hope your holidays have been happy and healthy so far. Two more days of FIT-mas to go. Let's do this Holiday right! At the very least, let's have a happy and healthy sate of mind as we share our time with our friends and family. THAT is what this season is all about!

Thanks for "listening"


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ten days to go

Only ten days to go, are you ready? I don't mean do you have all of your gifts bought and wrapped (I sure don't), is your tree decorated (wonder if its not too late to get one...) and do you have your house and kitchen ready to receive guests (my kitchen still isn't ready to receive me)?

I mean are you ready to kick up the intensity and get through these next ten days as healthy and on track as you were before Thanksgiving was even a thought?

Today, I'm going to hit both diet and fitness points to give you some extra help for these extra sweet and extra stressful days.

A workout for family and friends
As family flies, drives, and even sails into town, one of the first things that they are going to ask is, "so what are we gonna do?" Traditionally, this is where families twiddle their thumbs all day, waiting for the one thing they had planned, which was dinner. Sure you may have planed movies, shopping, or tours of your city, but for the most part, the main event involves food. Now there is no way of changing this, but you can try to add more active events to your days which will be sure to entertain everyone from the little ones to the great grandparents. Here are a few ideas.
- pack a fitness picnic. get a frisbee, a volleyball, some jump ropes, and anything else yo wanna bring and head out to a park. Have the guys get a game of football going, and maybe try to get in a nice game of hide and seek. Hey, maybe grandma can teach the little ones some old fashioned double dutch from back in her day. Going to the park is a great way to spend quality time with your family while staying active and not spending any more holiday money.
- go to a game room. this one is for the kids, but you can trust me. AS an adult, you can have a pretty darn fun time, too. Head to whatever game room you like, Chuck E Cheeze is a good one since all games are only a quarter, and let the family run wild. You can even burn some of your own calories (and excess stress) playing games like Dance Dance Revolution and Pump It Up.
You can also do his at home with the Wii, the Playstation Move, or Xbox Kinect. Remember, the family he plays together, stays FIT together.

Its no secret that I hate Splenda (sucrolose), Equal/Nutrasweet (aspartame), and Sweet 'n Low (saccharin). While I know that using these in your baking can knock out quite a few calories, I firmly believe you are better off sucking up the calories of real sugar than using one of these potential cancer catalysts.
Instead, you can use Stevia. Stevia in the raw, and a few other brands have been approved for use in baking. I've made a few treats with this, my most favorite sweetener, and I can tell you they're just as sweet and delicious as the real thing (but don't tell Grandma). You can also try honey, applesauce, or agave nectar as good replacements for sugar and/or oil.

I hope that these hints help you. If I find any restaurants that serve more lower-calorie desserts that you can pick up for your family gatherings, I'll post them here. Let's keep going and stay FIT, healthy, and happy. Now get back to gift wrapping!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The ABC's of ABC

ABC being Atlanta Bread Company. Now here's another restaurant that is seemingly healthy, but can have more fat and calories than meet the eye.

For starters, their salads have plenty of healthy ingredients that are both filling and light. However, once you slather them in one of ABC's many dressings, they no longer qualify as light and healthy choices. The garden and Caesar salads both average between 90 and 150 calories per salad, but that's without dressing. The chopstix chicken salad has a reasonable 240 calories in it, even with the noodles and almonds in it. The dressing, whether you go with the Asian sesame or choose another full fat dressing, on the other hand can add around 100 calories per 2oz serving. On average, we Americans tend to drown our lettuce in a bath of sweet or savory dressing, so I would factor in at least 2 servings of dressing (which is what mos salads are served with) unless you use it sparingly.

Their sandwiches CAN be healthy, but for most sandwiches, you have to tweak the menu a bit to make sure what you order is not a belt buster. Here's a few ideas for you:
-NIX the mayo! Leaving off the mayo can save you at least 100 calories!
-Lighten up on the cheese. Either ask for it with half the cheese or pick some of it off before you start eating. Each slice of cheese can have between 70-100 calories, so even taking off one slice can help you out tremendously.
-Stick with lean deli meats. Turkey, Ham, roast beef and pastrami are great, lower calorie/lower fat choices for sandwich meats, as opposed to chicken and tuna salads that have lots of mayo in them.

The soups are always a great choice for a hearty meal without the heart attack. The garden vegetable soup and French onion soup both have less than 100 calories per serving, so these are a great addition to any well crafted sandwich or salad. Just AVOID THE 500 calorie BREAD BOWL!!!

I hope this helps you navigate the menu at a place that looks healthy upon first glance, but can be worse for you than fast food if you aren't careful with what you order.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tropical AND healthy

By request, I have decal'd some of the menu items from Tropical Smoothie Cafe:

To start, their menu does have an assortment of low calorie/low fat entrees to choose from, though you might want to be careful before assuming that they're all healthy. You might assume the hummus veggie sandwich is the healthiest, but this packs a 630 calorie punch with 24 grams of fat, while the Bistro Sandwiches with the lowest calories are the Wasabi Roast Beef and the Turkey Bacon Ranch, each coming in at only about 400 calories. Surprising, huh? Other great choices are the Veggie Veggie wrap with 440 calories and the Honey Ham and Swiss flatbread with 420.

If these options aren't your favorite from TSC, you can always special order your picks to drop some calories off the total. Asking for half or no cheese is always a great way to shave some calories and fat off of your meal. You can also try to special order your favorite wrap or sandwich as a salad and nix the calories from the breads. Just ask them, they might be up for anything.

Now the smoothies...These seemingly healthy drinks/meals can be a bit deceiving. Some of them average between 300-400 calories each, while others can have from 600-700 per 24oz smoothie (i.e. the Peanut Paradise (600) and the Caramel Cream(690)). That's almost cruel, TSC.

They do offer the option to substitute Splenda for sugar which takes the calorie count way down. But it also doesn't taste as good, and I believe that Splenda and aspartame are really bad for you.

When I order a smoothie, I go for the Blue Lagoon. As it comes, it's only 330 calories and it's really tasty. Sometimes, I ask them to only use half the sugar which takes it down to about 250 and tastes perfectly sweet and tart with the blueberries and strawberries. If I'm in the mood for super sweet, I bring my own packets of Stevia for them to use instead of sugar. You can bring any sweetener you want them to use, actually, from honey to stevia to anything you can think of that isn't dangerous or illegal, lol. Don't let the employees deny you on this, though. They can and will use the sugar substitute you bring in. If they give you a problem, get a manager and tell them a well known food blogger sent you to Tropical Smoothie Cafe because she knew they would accommodate healthy eaters. Trust me, that'll get it done :) (Everyone loves free press lol)

Have another restaurant you want me to pick apart? Now that finals are over, I've got time! :)

Yeah I know...

I suck for not updating these last few days. I've been working so much that even my workouts have suffered (GASP!!!). And setting up house has taken forever. We're STILL not even done yet. Yikes!

So for today, the 13th day of FITmas, we're going to talk Italian. I've been working a lot at this new Italian restaurant and I'm noticing a trend in restaurants these days: EVERYTHING is made with all kinds of fattening ingredients. But that's what makes it tasty right?

Yes and no. Sure, a slice of pizza is much more sinfully delicious when it's slathered in cheese and topped with tons of meats and veggies. Granted Chicken Parmesan is tastier when it's deep fried and drenched in olive oil-laden marinara and cheese galore. But while this is certainly awesome to think about, the amount of calories fat and sodium even one of these dishes has can have seriously harmful effects on your body, both inside and out.

Still, I'm faced with these delectable devils on a daily basis now that I work in an Italian Pizzeria. I'll admit, I've had a few slices. It's hard to resist since it's the first authentic NY style pizza I've had since...New York lol. Well, the pizza in South Florida is pretty darn good too, but that's probably because almost everyone down there is a former New Yorker, just warmer.

But yesterday, on a long double shift, I took some time out to study the menu in depth, trying to find some of the ways I can make traditional, tasty Italian food speak to my healthy ways. It was hard, but with the help of Libretto's Pizzeria sous chef, I came up with a few ideas:

Chicken Parmesan:
Traditionally, this is a deep fried chicken breast slathered in juicy marinara and topped with baked cheeses. It's not hard to see where you can cut the fat, but it's hard to see how it could still be tasty, but it is. Ask your server or chef to use grilled chicken instead of fried to cut at least 300 calories from the dish. If you want to take it a step further, nix the baked cheese and add grated or shredded Parmesan for yourself at the table to save you another few hundred calories. Basically you could turn a 1000 calorie bomb into a 500 calorie dinner of champions.

Supreme Pizza:
If you're into toppings, the best pizza to go for is the supreme. And here is where you can really tailor a pie to meet your diet:
-Ask for half the cheese, or if you're really worried, they can do it with no cheese and you can add your own parm at the table or at home.
-Load up the veggie toppings and go a little easier on the fatty meats. Veggies are little to no calories and with the right sauce and spices can pack just as much flavor as sausage and pepperoni
-Sub the fatty meats for something a little healthier like grilled chicken or shrimp.
-Get thin crust (NY style!) pizza and leave the crust on your plate at the end of each slice. You'll be leaving at least a hundred calories on your plate by sticking to the "meat" of the pie and skipping the crust.

For lunch, nothing beats a nice meatball, eggplant parm or classic Italian hero. But the calories these have can beat down your diet faster than you can order it. Try reducing the cheese and skipping any oils on the subs to start. Another thing you can do, and you won't miss it one bit, is to ask the chef to scoop out the inside of the bread roll when they make the sandwich. The place I work already does this, and that's what gave me the idea. I love bread, but when you're sinking your teeth into a grilled eggplant parm sub with no mozzarella but extra parmesan and sauce, you can hardly think about bread.

Never be afraid at any restaurant, whether it's a new local pizzeria or one of your favorite chains, to ask your server or cook to make your food how you like it. It's your money, so make sure you spend it on something you like. And, more importantly, it's YOUR BODY, so make sure you feed it foods that are nutritious, healthy and won't overload your calorie budget.

Have a favorite chain restaurant you want me to research for you? I can pick apart any menu, even if I have to go there or get on the phone with the head chef himself! Just ask and I'll do the legwork for you. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Outsmarting Dining Out

Dining out is fun, especially around the holidays. You have all your friends and family there to share a great meal with you and the best part is: YOU didn't have to cook! It seems perfect...until you check out the nutrition facts for the menu you're staring down. f the restaurant you're at was even nice enough to provide them anyway.

The best way to literally have your exquisite restaurant food and eat it too is to do the research before you go. Almost every chain restaurant posts its nutritional information online, or at the very least many have a listing of lighter fare or low calorie menu options. I'll give a few examples at some well known chains you might be visiting this month with your family:

Applebees: This place has plenty of lighter options, especially with their Weight Watchers entrees and a new full line of lower calorie dishes. Check out their menu on their website and pick out what you want before you get there. But definitely HOLD the appetizers. Instead, save room for one of their dessert shooters. :)

TGI Fridays: They don't have much in the way of light and low calorie options, but the two that they do have are delicious. My favorite is the Dragonfire Chicken. The Shrimp Key West is also a good option, especially for those watching their carbs.

Cheesecake Factory They have gargantuan and delicious "weight management" salads. These are perfect because you'll definitely be full after enjoying them, so there won't be any feelings of dissatisfaction one might normally assume comes from eating off the "diet" menu. Just avoid the bread baskets and try to have dessert at home, since none of their cheesecakes dip below the 600 calorie mark.

Plenty of other restaurants will have the same sources of menu information available. Just take the time to pick what you want before you get there, when you have the nutritional information in front of you. That way, you can order with confidence and not have to wonder if what you're eating will undo your workout for the entire week (with some dishes maxing out at over 2000 calories just by themselves-aka cheesecake factory pasta dishes).

Bon Appetit!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aggression Therapy - A holiday must!

So there are many things associated with the Holidays, and there's one that is common among just about everyone aside from parties, presents and preparing large family meals: Aggression.

The Holidays bring tidings of joy, sure, but they also bring traffic, crowds, disgruntled shoppers and even more disgruntled family members. Frustration, anger and aggression are all part of the holiday experience! This is where your workout is crucial, though.

This morning, I woke up frustrated that I STILL have no internet (hence my lack of post yesterday), angry at the fact that I don't have time to dance as much as I'm used to lately, and truly pissed off at the fact that there are NO places to get Chanukah candles or foods anywhere near me. I have basically missed almost every night of Chanukah at this point. Let's hope I can get something to light and eat tonight as it's the last night.

But this morning, I was dealing with AT&T about my internet, and as they were frustrating me to no end, I decided to get on my elliptical while I was on the phone with them. I started the conversation with a huge chip on my shoulder, but by the time I'd gotten through a few miles of running, I was much more friendly to the CSR (which I'm sure she appreciated). This is what we all must do to get through the season without killing a beloved family member or mowing down other customers at the stores.

Feeling Angry or frustrated? Take it out on the ground you're running on. Take your aggression out at the gym on the weight machines. Take a soothing yoga class and empty your head of all of your negative thoughts. Trust me, by the end of your workout, you're going to be feeling much better, both mentally and physically. What's better than feeling less angry and feeling more healthy and fit? I can hardly think of anything (except all that AND pie!)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Health is wealth

While being a millionaire is certainly one good standard of wealth, after all, who wouldn't want to own their own airplane and buy diamonds with the swipe of a credit card...once a day? Yeah this would be a nice showing of wealth, but as we all know, not all wealth is monetary. There is one kind of wealth we ALL have every day and that is our health and fitness. We are only as rich as we are healthy, and this is a fact.

What good is having billions of dollars if you're too tired, too sick or too unhappy to enjoy spending it? This is exactly why we must always put our bodies before our pockets, and coming from me (the coupon clipping, penny pinching girl) this says a lot. It can be hard to eat healthy on a budget. I know this from experience. Here are a few tips for your 6th day of FIT-mas to get you through the weeks with a healthy diet without letting your wallet lose any weight for itself:

1. There is always an APP for that. Whether you have an iPhone, a Droid or whatever other technology you can have on hand, always check apps, sales flyers and store websites for any specials they might be having on organic, low calorie and all natural food items. Stores like Publix often have good BOGO sales on all kinds of healthy items. You just have to be patient and wait to buy it until it goes on sale. You may want it now, and you may see it in the store at full price now, but just be patient and wait until the next flyer comes out in a few days. The almond milk or yogurt that you wanted may be half price if you just wait a day or so.

2. Coupon collecting can and should be a hobby. Check your sunday papers and websites like and for printable savings off your favorite healthy brands. Don't be afraid to be that "annoying coupon person" in the line at the grocery store, because when you see your savings, you know it will be worth it. Yesterday My total before coupons was $107. After she scanned my coupons in, I spent only $60. That is some HUGE savings indeed! Give it a try and see how little you truly have to spend to eat healthy.
You can also go directly to the manufacturer's website (for companies like Healthy Choice, Smart One's and Dreamfield's) for printable and mailed coupons.

3. Use your gym membership for social reasons. Spend Saturday nights taking spin and yoga classes with your friends or take your significant other on a date for a relaxing massage at member prices (if offered at your gym) instead of going out for dinner and drinks. You'll not only save tons of calories, but you'll save plenty of money as well.

I know the holidays can hurt our wallets if we're not careful, but don't let your nutrition suffer the costs of your extensive gift lists. Save on the healthy foods you want to eat anyway, spend more time at the gym since it's already paid for anyway, and spend what you save on gifts galore! Now that's a happy, healthy Holiday hint!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A lesson of life

Day 4 and 5 of FIT-mas have to be done together, pretty much because life has gotten in the way of my blogging. lol But this is a good tip for this/these days.

Life isn't always easy to plan around, as we all know. Whether you're a working mom of three or a crazed out college student during finals week, everyone has a million things going on at all times. That's just become the everyday-ness of life for everyone these days.

That being said, I found myself yesterday working a morning shift at my new job, then spending the entire afternoon/night setting up my new apartment. It was exhausting and the fact that my job nor my new apartment has internet led me to have to miss my fourth day of FIT-mas...and my fourth night of Chanukah :( It's okay, though. I'll blog and light some candles today and everything will be okay.

BECAUSE: It is okay to have things come up, and it is okay to fall behind sometimes. Tell yourself, outloud if needed: It is perfectly okay to not be superman/woman and do everything all at once all the time. It is okay to miss an obligation and be human.

Life's obligations can be cruel, so make sure you do the things you need to do on a deadline before you decide what just won't make the cut. This is dangerous for us, though, because one of the first things to be cut from our schedules is our workout, especially around the holidays.

DON'T let your workout be the thing that you fall behind on. Your body is the only thing you have that lets you live the life you want, so if you don't take care of it and keep it fit and healthy, how will you enjoy your holidays and make it through all the stresses at all? Your body and your health HAVE to be a priority or all of the other cards will fall from your delicately crafted life (house) of cards.

My advice is to workout first thing in the morning. I don't let my day start until I've at least spent one hour on the elliptical. Granted, everyone's workout regimens are different. For me, one hour is the minimum I will do per day before I let my day begin. For you guys, figure out what your minimum is, whether it's based on calories burned, muscles worked or your post-workout emotional state, and make that the most important part of your routine. That way, no matter what else happens the rest of the day, you know you got your fitness taken care of and can, literally, rest easy.

That being said, I will say that I burned a heck of a lot of calories yesterday while I wasn't blogging. And there's another lesson in itself. Get off the computer (after you're done reading my blog, of course lol) and get outside. Do something active, AND productive. My parents think I'm crazy for liking my job as a server in a restaurant. I'm not crazy, I'm just not a fan of being on my butt all day. What I like most about serving and retail work is the fact that I'm on my feet and active all day. It's a nice feeling, and it surely helps me maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

If your job is one where you do have to sit down all day, that's okay. Just make sure you take time to be active before and after work. This doesn't have to mean taking fitness classes or sweating at the gym right after the 5-o-clock bell hits. I mean aside from your workout, take some time and play outside with your kids. Join a community or office sports team or even just go out dancing at the clubs on the weekends. Something to get you moving and help you spend time with those you love.

Now THAT is what the holiday spirit is all about. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010

The giving season

Tis the season for giving, and what better way to fill yourself with the holiday spirit than to give a little of yourself, your time and your love to your friends, especially when they need you most? :)

I say this because I have some WONDERFUL friends who are helping me and Dave move today and tomorrow. I appreciate the help so much and the fact that they are waking up early and taking the time out of their super busy lives to help us with heavy lifting and hard labor means so much to me.

That being the case, the heavy lifting and hard labor sparked an idea for me. This season, why not help your friends AND yourself along the way by offering to help them with things like moving, cleaning, organizing or babysitting. I mean, spring cleaning doesn't have to just be for the spring. Why not help someone overhaul their house with Lysol and a vacuum so it can be beautiful for their family's Christmas dinner? Or help a friend move right after the new year? Or maybe you can watch the kids one night so your friends can enjoy a nice dinner or a night on the town?

The benefits are endless. Your friends and family get the help they need and you get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with helping someone. PLUS you get to burn calories galore. Here's the calorie breakdown of these helpful activities:

Cleaning (household) - 240 calories per hour
Childcare - Between 100 and 200 calories per hour depending on activities
Moving furniture/boxes - 500 calories per hour
Packing/unpacking boxes - 200 calories per hour
Wrapping presents, etc. - 100 calories per hour

**Calories burned statistics were taken from, and are approximate, based on a 150 pound person.

See? Helping someone else does have rewards for you, both in karma and calorie burning. Tis truly the season so lend a helping hand. And you can surely find the time to FIT it in since you can use this as your workout!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

FITting into the hours

Happy second day of FITmas! How are everyone's calves feeling? :)

So about this title for Day 2 "FITting into the hours." No I don't mean squeezing more fitness into your precious hours of the day, though that is the general idea of this blog. I mean fitting your life into the hours of operation of your gym. Today I got an email from the gym I go to outlining their holiday hours. It's like they want us to get fat this holiday by not giving us any hours over what they call the "Christmas Break." Seriously, not being open for the holidays, from the 24th to the 1st, is just cruel.

I mean I guess it works for them since I'm sure that will boost membership and attendance after the new year. But for those of us who don't wait until the new year to start our resolution, this bites. So here's some advice I have if you've run into the same problem I just have.

1. Cheat on your gym. That's right, I'm saying it's okay to cheat and spend a little time at a different gym. I mean, your gym isn't meeting your needs right now. Why deprive yourself of what you need and want while they're being selfish and closing for a whole week? Don't be afraid to "take a break" and workout somewhere else for a bit. The best part is that you might find some gyms in your area that are open for that week, AND have free week passes that you can snag. Now you'll have a gym for that week you were so worried about (especially since its such a crucial, calorie-filled time), and it didn't cost anything extra. Win-Win.

2. Hit the streets. While your gym is closing its doors to you for a few days, this could be a good opportunity to workout outside the box. Put on your running sneakers and hit the trails at your favorite park. This is working out with a great view, so its definitely something worth doing, even when your gym is open. You can also ride a bike around the neighborhood, go out dancing or get some friends together and play some basketball, football, or even quidditch if you can find the rules for it...and maybe a broomstick. Try to see the bright side of the "closed" sign and step outside. Make lemonade out of this lemon, as cliche as that sounds.

There's really nothing you can do when your gym closes for a holiday. Believe me I've tried everything, even offering to work there at the front desk just so it could be open on Thanksgiving. There are many gyms that won't be closing their doors for the holidays like mine, and if you can get a free pass for the week (24 hour fitness and Bally total fitness are both good options for this idea) do it. Let's just keep up with our goals despite the obstacles that might crop up. I mean, it's the holidays, so there has to be some drama somewhere. At least this is manageable drama lol.

Love and health,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On the First Day of FITmas...

The countdown has begun!

The first day of FITmas is upon us, and so is the 25-day countdown to one of the biggest days of the year. Today, we embark upon a journey together to shop, savor, and sweat through the holidays without packing on the holiday pounds. My goal with this is for us all to wake up Christmas morning, and while the kids are glowing and excited as they check out all the new presents Santa gave them, we are also glowing and excited checking out the most important present we could ever give ourselves. This year, lets all wake up to find the best body we could ever hope for for ourselves, something Santa just couldn't bring.

Okay now that I've talked about Christmas for a few sentences, lets not forget today is also the first night of Chanukah. This means that in addition to egg nog, pumpkin pie, and gingerbread treats in the form of creamy lattes and people-shaped cookies, there will also be deliciously fried potato latkes, chocolate coins, and gallons of Manieschevitz wine. Because sweet treats an lavish eats don't discriminate during the holiday season.

The first day of December, aside from being the firsy night of Chanukah and the first day of everyone's Christmas countdown, is also the day that many people wake up in a panic. If you thought Black Friday was the biggest shopping day of the year, well you're right... but the next 25 days come in a close... second o.O So since today, after a long day of work, you'll be likely hitting the malls trying to take care of those gift lists, I've decided that the first tips of FITmas will be a workout you can do at the office, at home, or the mall, and a mall food court survival idea:

1. Toning with Tidings: As you're walking through the office, around the house, or at the mall, do yourself (and your childhood ballet teacher) a favor and try to walk only on your tippy toes. The is a discrete way of burning extra calories, and toning your calf and hamstring muscles as you walk around doing the thins you were going to do anyway. This is kind of the same idea that Sketchers has implemented into their Shape-Up shoes, but as a dancer I can promise you that it works better when you do it on your own in any shoe from sneakers to stilettos. And it saves you some gift money, too, so go forth and shop.

2. Mall Food Court Survival Tip #1: Yes there with be several of these, since the holiday season does involve spending waaaaay too much time at the mall.
The food court is filled with many choices, and while a slice of Sbarro pizza or a double cheeseburger may seem tasty, try to realize that there are other options. A great way I feel to make the best out of a food court meal is to do a lap or two around the food court and check out all of your options before you decide. You may find that teriyaki chicken over sauteed vegetables for $4.95 at Sarku Japan or a foot long $5 Subway Club is a much better bang for your buck and your bod, saving you money and calories.

Today will be the start, not only of the holidays but of a promise that we will all make to ourselves to be good to our families, our friends, and our BODIES. So happy first day of FITmas to all, and have a happy and healthful first night of Chanukah. See you tomorrow for day 2.